Well, here I sit at my desk at work. It's Monday, all over again. Time waits for nobody. It just keeps marching along.
Reflecting on the past couple of days..... What an incredible weekend it was. The weather was simply amazing. The Spring weather brought everyone out. It was just awesome. And people were so nice! I know that it shouldn't come as a surprise when someone is friendly and nice - but the truth is, it does. Most people are so caught up in themselves, they don't take the time to smile, or be kind & friendly to others. However, this weekend was not that way at all. What a nice change! I smile at everyone. Heck, I'll talk to anyone! And, so many people had their happy faces on. It was just the greatest! :) It doesn't cost anything to be nice. So, why not? :)
Happy Monday ~ Today, well, AMAZING! It's expected to be in the 80's again. I love it.
This is going to be a good week. I can feel it. I just feel like a lot of positive things are happening. I'm really happy about life, in general. :)
So, time to get back to work. I'll post more later. I NEED my posting time. This girl has more to say!