Vacation is for relaxing, and doing things we cannot do on a regular basis...
I'm going to watch some warm and cozy movies.
Maybe go shopping....
clean house really well...
Take some time to enjoy the simple things in life.
A cup of tea..
Some phone calls to friends..
Maybe a night out for a drink, or a simple cup of coffee.
Take a few moments to share stories with my kids..
I'm going to say good-bye to 2010, and welcome 2011 with a new attitude, and maybe a few resolutions I could actually stick to.
I'm going to listen better, and be more patient with the people I care about..
I'm looking forward to this break... so much.
Keeping it simple. I've been pretty exhausted these past few months.
Yep.... looking forward to my time off..
and taking it all in.
Jenny Curran: Why are you so good to me?
Forrest Gump: You're my girl!
Jenny Curran: I'll always be your girl.