Guess what tonight is??
Yep!! Belly Dance class!
I love it!
I'm so excited about this class. It's so refreshing and sexy! Don't get me wrong, it's one hell of an ass kicking exercise session! A solid hour of work on muscles that I had no idea existed! lol But, it's all good. I'm looking forward to it a whole bunch. Gotta get this winterized body back on track! lol!!!
Not much else to report. Last night I was completely exhausted! But, Hubby and I went out for a little bit, and ended up staying up really late last night watching our last Moment of Truth of the season. Wow, that's a terrible show. People are so heartless and nasty. DOESN'T ANYONE KNOW THE TRUE MEANING OF COMMITMENT? It's just an awful program. I think I am drawn to it the most because I can't believe what some people will say and do for money. The hell with that!!!! No way! (lol) Craziness....
So, that's about it for now. I'm in a very chattery mood... so I might be back for more! lol