Well, my intentions were good......
Here I sit in my Living Room - writing my Monday Morning blog. I was getting ready for work this morning, when the phone rang. Mom and Dad wanted me to know that they had been flooded out. Black rock Road was closed. :( They were so upset. Then, I got the kids ready, and we attempted to leave for school & work. Nope, not happening. We went outside, and discovered that we were in the middle of an Ice Storm. What the heck? (lol). So, I piled them in the van anyway, and my cell rang. It was Fred, telling me that I am not to be driving in this weather. SO, I make the appropriate calls, and we unload from the van! What a morning. So, here I am. And, it's a good thing. There are accidents all over the place, and the news has mentioned that there are more than 20,0000 residents in our county without power. The Rivers & Creeks are flooding (again), and everything is just a huge mess!!! SO, long story short.... there's nothing so important going on that I should risk the safety of my children, or me.
Wow.... lol. My life cracks me up!
So, last night. Yesterday.... the weekend in a whole. GOOD. Nice.... Happy. Pleasant. One day at a time. Indeed.
I have a feeling that I'll be blogging a lot today... if I'm going to be inside all day, I might blog and blog and blog. Maybe not. We'll see!!!!!