I am not going to be this terrible at Blogging!! I'm not! I've just been busy! Promise!
So, TWO weeks from today I am going to be crying happy tears!!! I just know it. I honestly get all emotional when we take our family cruise. It's so sweet and special to me. Now, don't get me wrong... when Hubby and I go on a cruise without the kids, it's fantastic!!! BUT, there's a whole different level of special going on when the kids go with us on our annual family Cruise. They love it so much. And, it makes me think about how we're able to share this time with them. When I was a kid.... there was NO WAY IN HELL we'd be going on a cruise! We just couldn't afford it. Not a chance. So, yeah.. it feels really good to be able to do this. And to see them during the week, in their absolute glory. :) And Bermuda... it's all of our favorite! So, two weeks from today, at this time of day, I expect to be on the pool deck, with a tropical drink in hand, enjoying the moment that we begin to sail out of port (4pm) and begin the Bon Voyage Party! YES!!!!!!!! Can't wait!!!!!!!
Oh, sorry! Got lost in my excitement there :)
This weekend. Well, in a nutshell.....
Friday night. Hubby and I stayed in. I called my girlfriend who lives in North Carolina, and we chatted for about an hour. It was fun. We'll be seeing her at the end of August. A group of "Cruisers" will be having a "Land" party for the weekend in Baltimore. It should be a blast!!! We'll b e meeting a lot of people that we've been friends with on a cruise chat board for a good long time. Fun! We'll even meet some people that we're actually going to Cruise with next year, in a group that we belong to! If anyone who reads this is interested in going, let us know!!! It's a huge group, and the cruise should be awesome! Send me an email if you're interested!
Anyway, Friday (I get lost in my own head).. Hubby and I stayed in and watched "Swingtown" Well, we tried. For some reason (oh, did I mention the kids are gone for a week).. for some reason, we kept getting distracted, and all sorts of sexy with each other. It's not every day we can run around the house naked (lol).. So, not that we missed the show, but it might be a good idea to watch it again. Thank goodness for Tivo! And after Swingtown....we took our silly selves to bed <3 yum.
Saturday. We went shopping a bit. Hubby knows that he never goes wrong on the weekend if he takes me out shopping. For anything! I just love shopping. I think it's really a girl thing. The shopping was SO fun. I do love it. :) And then, Saturday night. Um...lol.... something else. We hoped to have some big time fun, or big plan to go out. Nuttin' happening.
SO - we went to a local place. Had a bite to eat, a drink, and played a couple of games of pool. Then, we went to a Strip club that we've never been in, and it's really close to home. Now we've been there, done that. It was "ok". It's hard to think anything major of a local strip club when we've been to so many places that are well, let's say, so "open minded", and "clothing optional". LOL.. what can I say??
Today. It's pouring! Our plan was to go to the movies! BUT, we started out by doing something different. We went to an Indian Restaurant for lunch first. Then the rain began. Hubby and I hurried home so he could put the Harley in the garage. Too late! We got home and it was raining BUCKETS!!!! So, we're going to wait until the rain lets up, and then we'll go to the movies!
Ok, the kids left on Friday. They went to Ocean City, NJ for a week!! Cousins, Aunts and Uncles, and Grandparents. Oh, and their "other" Dad. I hope they have the best time. It's great for us, because now we don't have to go grocery shopping today (lol)!!! No, really... we will miss them, but being that in 2 weeks we'll be spending an entire week in our suite on the ship, this is good for us all! :)
Wow, I had some stuff to get out! lol I am like a typing freak!
I have now been at my new department for 2 months. 2 months today. It's fantastic. I am so crazy happy with my job. I have a totally new project that I'll be working on next week. I'll share more about that later!!!
Life is good. I am happy about how things are going, and I'm looking forward to the future. I am so thrilled that life is so good to me, and the one's I care about and love. For those who struggle and suffer, I am so sorry. All I can do is say that tomorrow the sun will shine, and hopefully it will shine on you.
I better give my fingers a break :)
Happy Sunday!
Oh, and don't forget to read this weeks postsecrets!