Good Morning, and Happy Friday!!!
It's Good Friday!! And, Rider has given us the day off! Nice....
SO, last night was my Belly Dancing class. It was awesome!!! Ok, I love it. I think I'm really going to enjoy this class. It was really quite an aerobic exercise. My abs forgot they had muscles. :) So did my calves! Oh, and my shoulders. lol
It was a lot of fun. I already can't wait until next Thursday. And, the group is great. Such a variety of women. Very comfortable. :)

So, it will be a nice, long weekend. I took the day off yesterday, too. It was ok. I had to take Brooke for her haircut, and shopping for a swim suit. She's at the beach now, for her 3rd Easter in a row. I think it's sweet that she has such a good best friend. And what an incredibly nice family. I feel blessed to know that she's so fortunate. Someday she'll realize how lucky she is to have an extended family. :) They do love her so much. It's great.
Brandon and I are home together. If I can peel him away from his games, or his buddy's, I might take him out to lunch. I took Brooke to lunch yesterday. I love the one on one time with the kids. I think they need that. I know I do. And, later on today, Brandon will go with his Dad until Sunday. Leaving hubby and I with some one on one time. It's nice.
So, it's SPRING. Hmmmm it sure doesn't feel like spring. lol. It's windy and cold!!! Brrrrrrrrr... BUT, the sun is shining. THAT is a blessing!!!!
Well, off I go. I am going to get ready for a new adventure today. Shopping a little, lunch, who knows!!!!
Happy Spring.
Happy Friday.
Happy Good Friday.