Where did the summer go? WoW..... Heck if I know!
It started out slow.. then before I knew it, we were so busy that we almost forgot what day it was!
I've had less sleep and made more memories just during the month of August than I can even imagine! It's been interesting....
And now, the kids will go back to school -
I'm back to regular hours at work -
Fred has regular work hours - (not that he had summer hours)
It's beginning to get darker earlier...
Today is strange. I have very little energy.
I'm nervous about work tomorrow.
I'm nervous for the kids going back to school.
My head is pretty full.
BUT.. I'll be okay. And, so will the kids.
Everything will fall in to place, I'm sure.
Overview of this summer.
-We had an incredible cruise vacation.
-Met our awesome and amazing fun friends in Baltimore.
-Made the greatest friends ever, and love the fact that they live so close, and seem to be a lot like us. Hey, they even think we're funny. :)
-I've become really comfortable with my new job, although I found myself in HR submitting a report against some nasty people last week.
-Pool parties
-A couple of trips to Atlantic City
-Hot tubbin...
-Pool hopping
-A few good drinks
-Dueling Piano Bar
-Meeting friends in York, Pa.
-Sitting on my spot on the couch
-Playing Board games with the kids
-Playing Board games with friends
-A Baseball game
I think it's been a pretty fun summer.
Yeah, it's been good!
Happy Labor Day. Happy End of the Summer.