Happy Hump Day!!!!!
Last night was soooooo nice!!!!!! What a great Birthday my hubby had!!!! I am so happy. :) When he's happy, I'm happy. Life is good. He really enjoyed himself. Good Stuff!
This morning, I took the Convertible. I've been driving the Mom van for a couple of months, so this was a nice change. I didn't have a care in the world once I got in, and took off. I dropped Brooke off at Billie's house, and then down went the top. My hair was everywhere, I had my favorite music playing, and the fresh air felt incredible. It was just about the most pleasurable ride to work I have ever had! :) Now, even though I'm inside, at work - I feel like I was able to spend a little time enjoying the weather. It is gorgeous out.
Hubby has a Doctor's appointment today. He's actually going to see about getting that new medication for quitting smoking. I am so excited. I can't wait to see how it works out. He's taking a huge step. It's a big change for him. I'm hoping he loves it, and it works well for him. We always want the best for the one's we love. I am very excited, and very hopeful. YIPPIE!!!!!!
Good things happening here.