SO, I'm still failing miserably about catching up with my blogging!!!! Well, I'm trying! This picture is current - from last night!! Hubby and I went out with some friends, and it was okay. I didn't feel well at all, so I was not the life of the party by any means. But, I'm glad we went. So often people invite us out, and we don't go. Then we feel bad and wish that we went. Last night we got up and met them at Michaels. It would have been a great time if I felt better. But, there's always next time.
3 weeks until our cruise! Can't wait! I honestly feel like I need a vacation now more than ever! With the kids being another year older, I'm very excited about the trip, and the excursions that we'll be going on. Brooke is going to swim in the waters of Bermuda with the Dolphins, and Brandon is going scuba diving. I'm not sure what I want to do yet (we all choose and excursion), but it might be a visit to the 9 Beaches resort. I'm hoping to check it out so that I can decide if we're going to vacation there sometime. It's beautiful, and the individual cabana huts (rather than hotel rooms) are situated on the water, or at the tips of the land. They're made from canvas (the walls) and some of them have glass floors so you can look down into the water at all the tropical fish. If you do a google search, you'll see it. Paradise!!!!
Work is good. I'm up to my eyeballs with work. New projects, and lot's to learn. I'm amazed each day how much I'm learning. It seems they are happy with me there. I hear from others in my suite that everyone is very pleased with my work. I have had so many nice things said to me since I've been there. I finally feel like I'm in a place where my work is appreciated, and I am valued as an employee. It's all good.
Well, lot's and tons to share. Only thing is, I'm exhausted! Can't think clear enough to post everything, so I'll close with this.....
Happy Summer.
May each day bring you sunshine and happiness.