A late night for me!
Went out for an unexpected Tuesday night out and I am totally exhausted. I can't say that going out until 11:45 p.m. is a normal thing for me to ever do!!!
Brooke has a doctor's appointment tomorrow at 11:00 a.m. so I'm just taking the day off. I see no point in running off to work for less than 2 hours just to have to turn around and come back home to get here. I think she has strep throat. I hate that she suffers with that pesky sore throat like I always have! I hope to get her on meds right away so she'll be all better for Christmas!!!!
Speaking of Christmas... I am not ready yet. I am going to have to wrap it up soon because I'm simply running out of time!!! I can't believe how quickly it came up. I've been so overwhelmed. Nothing new for this girl. I get frazzled very easily. I know I have to be a huge pain in the ass!
Speaking of frazzled.. I definitely need a break. I am still looking forward to my pajama day! I may take it next Tuesday. :)
I better hit the bed. I am not thinking straight (not that I ever do).
Nighty Night.