My day.
I am trying to wind down. Had a busy day with a lot of high demands. I am going right back into it tomorrow morning too. Oh joy! I look forward to it. lol. When my boss is stressed out, and I'm not.. she gets annoyed. She's never satisfied until I become stressed right along with her. The one thing is, I function so much better when I take a deep breath and chill out about it. She doesn't understand that way... so in the end, I become stressed too!!!!!! UGH!!!! I always produce the best work, and she's always satisfied and grateful. That's the most important thing I guess.
I support a few different people within my office. Today it seemed like they all needed something right away. My desk was the popular place to be today. I had all sorts of people stopping by, asking me for this or that. It's all good. I like to be busy... but, I also like to be treated with respect. Only one person in my office forget's that with me sometimes. I usually do a good job reminding her. :P
I did come home to a beautiful meal, and the whole family sat and ate together. Brooke said her "regular" grace. I miss the simple things like that sometimes. I'm happy we all had a nice meal together, and thanks to the chef (Chef Fred) for a fantastic dinner. :)
50 First Dates tonight!!!! I'm looking forward to it.