It's cold.
Freezing cold.
Fred's out getting a beer and dropping off the couch to Freddy, Mara and the kids. I think we're going to watch a movie tonight. Clerks 2. I don't know if I ever saw all of Clerks 1, but since it was one of Fred's favorites, I ordered the second one for him on Netflix. I hope it's good. :)
Today was a busy, long day at work. I had a really tough time focusing on my work. I think I truly need the break that's coming soon. I want to be able to focus, but I am struggling. I guess it's time for a break.
I can't find my favorite sunglasses. I don't really need them much these days since by the time I come out of the office at 5:00 it's dark out, but I hope I can find them soon. lol. I'm writing about missing sunglasses. Pathetic.
The kids are excited about Christmas. I wish I could buy them everything they want, but, I can't. As they get older their lists become, well... insane. I can't imagine that they would really expect that we'd be able to buy them everything they want. I do believe they have not gotten a total grip on reality, and the concept of money. Now that Brandon is 16, he wants to get a part time job. It sounds like a good idea to me. He's expensive. :)
Speaking of Brandon, I'm supposed to take him for his learners permit this Saturday. Wow, seems like yesterday that I was getting mine. Time passes in the blink
of an eye.
Not a whole lot to say about today. I am definitely looking forward to the Holiday party at my bosses house this Friday. He hosts one for us every year and it's the nicest party ever. He and his wife work really hard to make it just like a family party, and one of my favorite things is when we all sit around the tree and play the gift exchange game. This will be the 3rd year he's having this party. I am excited. I am beginning to feel the Christmas spirit, ever so slightly.
This weekend is Meg and Ryan's party. It should be a great time. Somewhere in between these parties, and drivers permits, and recovery, I need to get my shopping done. I have only placed 2 orders.. one gift for Brooke, and one winter coat for me. I seriously need to get on the ball.
My favorite part of Christmas is stocking stuffers. I think I am the QUEEN of stocking stuffing. I wrap every single thing I put in the stockings. That is no easy task. Brandon and Brooke's stocking's are almost as tall as me. Last year it took several hours to wrap them. This year I'm going to wrap them as I buy them. They'll have to just hand over their stockings and deal with it. Leaving them under the tree isn't as important these days since they've already met Santa :)
Okay, so I just met a neighbor. From one crazy cat woman to another.. she was stopping over to ask if I had a bunch of Cats. (lol)... why yes, I have 4! I told her with a smile. She has 6! She was worried because my cats get out and I think she was scared that I don't care for them. Once she realized who she was talking to (I love my cats) she felt a lot better. I explained to her that I can't keep them in the house! She feeds them sometimes, which I'm fine with...no wonder they're getting so chubby... we're all feeding them! :) She was nice though.
oops... gotta go.