Have I ever mentioned before how much I cannot stand WAL-MART?!?!!?!?!!??!?!?
I hate Wal-Mart. It's that simple. I can't stand it on a regular day. But, during the Holiday's? Who was I kidding trying to shop at the new super Wal-Mart a few days before Christmas. AND, what do they have that I need? Nothing different than I could have gotten anywhere else. However, I am done with the store, I have more purchases, and I am home... safe, and sound... with a raging Wal-Mart style head ache. :)
I have a half day tomorrow and then I'm back out to pound the pavement. I will never wait this long again to do my shopping. This is just crazy.
So, I took Brooke to the doctor and I got her meds for her sore throat. The doctor couldn't believe how swollen her throat was. I am so glad I took her.
And then there's the cardiologist she has to see. I'm a little nervous about that. I hope all the blood tests and stuff come out okay. I do worry about my girl. I'm just going to think positive. I love my baby.
What a hectic night.
Oh, MY Lindsey is home from Kentucky!!!!! She's spending the night with us tonight. I can't believe she's 12 and she's taller than me!!!! It's amazing to see how tall she's gotten considering I just saw her in June/July and she was about the same height as me then. Time passes so quickly. She's been part of our life since she was just a tiny little girl. Aww... so nice to have her here.
I better go for now. I have some gifts to wrap that I'm bringing to work for the girls tomorrow.