Just because I miss a day of blogging, doesn't mean that I miss a day of Lovin'!!!
But, I'll tell you what... if I was going to miss a day of lovin', it would have last night!!!! I WAS EXHAUSTED! Hubby and I went out on what I thought would be a "quick" date. Well, we didn't get home until almost Midnight. On a work night!!!! Was I ever tired! I have to give him credit, where credit is due.... He did ask to get in the back seat of the car. I did.. But then he did too... and he had "The look" in his eyes!!!! Naughty Naughty man!!! I just couldn't do it!!! Normally I'm a freaky girl, but not in the parking lot, last night. I think I was way too sleepy! So, we held off until we got home. It was awesome!!!! And so we move along, to day 5!
Today work was rather interesting. Each day that passes I think there couldn't be anything possible left for me to learn. Boy am I wrong!! I do research in my position. It's fun, and very interesting. Today I did all sorts of research in Yahoo Finance, and a few others. Fun. I had no idea how much information is right out there on people. It's crazy! I have yet to have have a boring work day. I'm so completely loving this job. Now, on the other hand... I'm not loving 2 completely jealous, nasty, petty women in the office. But, you know.... this comes with a job in any office. Throw a pretty, smart, friendly, and sweet woman in the mix and there's always a bit of jealousy. Why? Who the heck knows. And, at this very point in time... who the heck cares! One of the women told me very clearly that she wanted the job I am in. And that she regrets leaving it. She was once in the position and then made a lateral move to something else. Now she hates her new position. And, to make matters even more uncomfortable... it's in the same office suite! I can deal with it. As much as she talks behind my back....(and everyone Else's) I kiss her butt like there's no tomorrow. Nothing like throwing some sugar her way. It makes her look even more foolish for talking about me (and everyone else). But, before I moved to Advancement, I was warned about her. She's the sourpuss of the suite. Ah... who cares! I learned to grow a tough exterior from working in the other office. Grumpy cranky women in there too (except my sweet pal for life, Ev).
And now that I got that off my chest......
HAPPY extended Holiday weekend!!!!!!!!!
I hope you have a great one!!!!!