WOW!!!!! What a busy day!!!!
I didn't even get any time to blog! How dare my job get in the way of my blogging!!! Hmmm... It could be all my emails to friends, or planning weekends, or vacations... lol
This weekend is only a stones throw away! I can't wait! What am I doing? NO Clue!!!! Paul actually just emailed me to invite hubby and me to meet him in Atlantic City. How awesome would that be? We'd love to get together with Paul and Lori!!! BUT, I'm not sure we can manage it this weekend. So much coming up. I just don't know. I want to... I really really do!!!! We'll have to see.
And, Spring is in the air. How exciting is that??? I'm loving the sunshine!!!! It's just awesome. I know I should feel blessed that we didn't get slammed with any huge snow storms and stuff this winter, but I still feel like the winter lasted forever. I honestly think I suffer from that SAD (Seasonal affective disorder). I think hubby and I will be sure to move south in the future. Maybe when the kids are out of school. We both suffer from it. Just differently!!!!!
16 days until our cruise. OH! I CANNOT WAIT!!!! it's funny... hubby worries so much about something happening on the way to Port of NY. He always wants to leave extra extra early... JUST IN CASE. I totally understand. So, go figure.... The day we're headed to NYC to hop on our ship - THE POPE IS ARRIVING IN NY!!!!!!!!!!! LMAO! All I can do is laugh about it. Now we struggle with the whole when to leave issue. Heck, we're not missing this boat! lol So, we might go the night before. We'll have to figure it out. We'll see......
What else? Hmmmmm I'm absolutely feeling fantastic. I am very excited about so many positive things happening in life. It's all good. Having fun, and enjoying life.
Last night I was watching something on T.V. This guy made such a good point about something. He said that being alive is not necessarily living. It stuck in my head. I am living my life. Some people just exist. There's such an incredible difference. It held so much meaning to me. Something to always think about. Maybe it makes no sense to you.. but it does to me. It's so important to live life to the fullest. We only go around once... might as well do it the best we can!!!!!!!!