It took A LOT of coffee to get me going today!!
Wow... the weekend went way to fast!
I miss my hubby today. And, I miss the kids.
I'm at work, and my day is almost done, but I'm wishing the weekend was just a day longer. Is that way to much to ask? Sometimes I think it would make us all more productive at work :)
Speaking of work... I'm actually blogging from my new desk! woohoo! There's hope that I WILL find enough down time to spend a few minutes reflecting on my life. I hope so! It's been one heck of a busy summer!!!
Well, this was just a test. A silly test of my own to see if I could blog in a few small moments. It's a nice break. And, this day is about over. Today I leave at 4:30. Next week we are back to FULL hours! Boo!