(Photo by Erin)
All day I thought it was Monday. I'm sure I wasn't alone on that one!
It was a busy day back to work. I had a major project that consumed most of my day. I had to create and organize the Gala Golf event that's taking place next Monday. It was fun, but it was a lot of work. I was actually very happy when this work day came to an end.
I'm finding that there's no perfect office to work in. It's a shame. I was hoping that one existed, and this would be the one. But, no. I was sorely mistaken. You see, here's the thing. In every office there's going to be a petty person (usually a woman), a jealous person (usually still a woman), a gossip (most of the time a woman, but in this particular case it's a man), and someone who has nothing nice to say at any time. Then, there might be the one that's been there the longest, and despite how times have changed, and technology, they seem to know all the answers. Oh, and sometimes it's that same person that wants to be your additional boss, although they have no authority over you at all. I also love the one (or one's) that mistake sweet and kind and trusting for stupidity. They're the best. And, for some odd reason, I think often times I look a heck of a lot more stupid to them than I am. I am the one who you'll see in an office with a smile and a kind word. Even if I can't stand the sight of you. Why would I be kind to nasty people? Well, most of the time it's to keep the peace. Sometimes it's to let them know in some way or another that I know there's a good heart or soul in there, and I might just be the only one in the office to be kind to them on a regular basis. Why am I going off like this? Because once again I let my guard down and thought for a moment that I could just be myself, and be a nice friend in my work environment. Not so much. I ended up in HR filing a darn complaint against 2 people that embellished a story I shared, and before you knew it, the darn woman who's out to get me turned me into some kind of hooker. You see, these are the people I could do without in my life. No doubt. SO, that being said, I make no friends in this work environment. It's going to be strictly work for me there. Long long story. But, it was a lesson learned. And a reminder that not everyone is good on the inside. Funny thing is, I was being so nice and kind to the one person that tried to hurt me. Who'd a thought.
So, Erin Montgomery... what can you do?
Business as usual I think. And keep the twist of niceness for the one's that truly deserve it. Not the sour, nasty ones. I can't change the world.....so I won't even bother trying any more.
WOW....I just did a major ramble. I had no idea that I had that much to get off my back. I guess I'm pretty good at holding it all in. Sometimes.....
The kids went back to school today. It was bittersweet. I was happy and sad. I can't believe that Brandon is in his last year of middle school. I also can't believe that Brooke is in 7th grade. I really need to be available to them this year in every possible way. It's not the easiest time in a kids life. I'm hoping they don't have it hard though. I hated middle school. I hated the kids. I never felt much like I fit in. I wish all the good things for them. I hope they have a wonderful school year with a lot of great, positive experiences. That is what I wish for, for them.
Tonight I am taking it easy with my sweetie. We had a nice run out to see Donna. She has been a part of our lives now for almost 10 years. When I ran my own business she was an incredible connection. I am happy that we've maintained such a good relationship with her over the years. She is so different than us, but still so much similar. She is honestly a good hearted person. One of the best I've ever met. A little crazy.....but heck, aren't we all????
Tomorrow is Wednesday. Wooohooo! I'm already looking forward to Friday! And, if all goes well, I'll be out the door nice and early so hubby and I can get on the road and head to Maryland. We have a wedding to attend. I am looking forward to it. We have a nice group of friends who we'll see. It's been a long time for some of them. It should be fun. And Paul, who's getting married... has to be one of the best men we've ever met. He is close to a saint. What he's been through.... How he's come back from it all, and god bless Lori. She is his exact perfect match. I better bring tissues to the wedding. I know it's going to bring me to tears. Yeah, I am looking forward to it.
Happy Tuesday. May you sit and read this with a smile. If you've read this whole page, you must be a special friend of mine. Who else would be able to get through this post today? lol