lol @ Myself!
It's just been that kind of a week (so far). :)
But, I'm feeling good this morning - Despite the fact that I was up at 3:00 in the morning, searching the house for a "stalker". My poor daughter had a dream that someone was after her. She came to me crying her eyes out.. Had a bad bad dream. Poor thing. I got her settled back in her bed, but then I was wide awake!!!!!!
So, I doubt I could get enough coffee today!!!!
Other than that - everything is okay. Just another week.
Lot's to do here at work. The students are back, and they're in the office all day long!!! It's nice to have them here. Makes the day more eventful!
What else?? I don't know. I have a lot in my head. I just don't have the time or energy the last few days to jot it down. Maybe later!