Today was a busy day. Tonight, a busy night!!! We had an appointment to look at a house at 6:00 p.m. All I can say about it is - WOW. Not only does it make me feel even more grateful for the home I have, it allowed me to take a peek into a very sad, and unhealthy family's life. We went tonight with the idea that we might be able to buy this house "as is", and make it a beautiful place, for a nice, happy family in need of a decent home. This place was so filthy, and full of deep, darkness, and bad feelings.... I can't even explain it. The place was so horrible. There was brown drips, dried up, all along the walls. It was there from years and years of cigarette smoking in the house. There were holes in the walls, the carpet was full of grunge. I mean it, I have never seen such a bad place. You'd never know, from the outside. The people were in the house. It was almost sad seeing them. I think they were drug addicts or something. Very strange feeling in that house.
Needless to say, we're not buying the house. I can't stop thinking about it. It was so strange. wow........
Fun stuff (on the other hand). I taught Fred something tonight. Usually he's teaching me something. Especially if it's something from the Bible. I taught him what Maundy Thursday is. I told him about it, and showed him things about it. I enjoyed teaching him something new. He was impressed. :) And, I was happy to share.
What else? Well, we went out for pizza. It wasn't very tasty. However, I was thrilled to eat Pizza. (lol) I've been eating low carb for awhile. ANY pizza tastes yummy. lol!!!
It's now after 9:00 p.m. - Tomorrow I will go to work, and then do some Easter "goodie" shopping. A very close friend of mine reminded me how important it is to celebrate.... hide eggs, enjoy. And it's true.... no matter the age, it's a beautiful thing, to take a few moments, be a kid again. Live life like there's no tomorrow..... and, I plan on doing just that. :)