SO, here I am!
Yesterday, they closed our Campus down. I didn't post very much, because I had a lot going on. When I thought I might as well go in to work, I arrived to the entrance of the campus, and Eveline called me to tell me that the whole campus was closing in 15 minutes! Well, I circled the campus, and hopped back on the highway. The rest of the day, I watched news about the VTech Stuff, and went shopping for goodies for my kids, and my hubby. I bought everyone presents, except me. :) It was lots of fun. And, everyone was happy.
The floods here are terrible. We had detours this morning, because the Delaware river crested above flood levels again. Very sad. I am so glad that we don't live near the river anymore. However, I feel horrible for the people that can't get out. They can't sell, or afford to move. It's just terrible. :(
Today is Tuesday. I'm happy to be here, at work. I'm happy to be alive. I'm grateful for my life. I'm blessed in so many ways. No, it's not sunny out. Nope... it's not warm, either. BUT, I'm here. I'm alive. I'm healthy. And, I'm loved by some pretty amazing people. Yeah. It's good to be alive. :)
I had a very late night (last night). I was out until almost 10 p.m. Zzzzzzzzzzz..... I know I'm getting older when I say that, and feel so sleepy.
More later. :)
*Waves to the world, with a smile.