YES!!!!! It's Super Tuesday! You think soon we can put an end to all the madness??? Nah!! I doubt it. :P
So, here we are again!!! Tuesday is here, and I'm ready for the weekend already!!! lol
I'm full of energy this morning. I was dancing all over the car on my way in. It feels good to feel good. I hope it lasts. :) I think we'd all prefer to good, over bad!
I haven't been blogging much lately. I know. And, that is going to change.
I never reported my fun weekend at the beach almost 2 weeks ago! I went to the Casino with my Lovie, and I won $1100.00 -
I never win anything. So, to say the very least... I was thrilled. Silently thrilled. I was surprised at my response. I always thought that if I won anything, I'd be jumping up and down, screaming. Nope. I stood there looking at the machine... thinking to myself... is that what I think it is? lol... And, it happened twice! I won big, two times!!! It was my lucky night, for sure!!!!
I also never posted about lot's of little things along the way. I don't want to lose track.....
I'm feeling really bad about turning 40. I thought it would be no big deal. It's a lot worse in my head than I imagined. I can't believe I'm going to be 40. Where did the time go???
Hubby and I had a conversation about life (as we often do). He made me laugh so hard at something he said. As a matter a fact, it was something that stayed with me. And I've smiled a lot over the past week or so, just thinking about it. He said that I'm the type of person who loves to stop and smell the roses. He's the type who's full throttle - Balls to the walls. He suggested that we compromise. (lol)..... I should stop, and smell the balls. LOL! Yeah.... sounds strange.. especially when you're reading it, and you weren't part of the conversation. BUT, it was very funny at the time!!! Still makes me smile. Because, it's true. He loves to run run run run run.... and run some more. From the moment he wakes up in the morning, until he can no longer keep his eyes open, at night. Me? Oh.... well, a bit of a different story. I love to take my time. I like to sleep in on weekends, when possible... and I love to stop along the way. If I could, I'd be stopping here, stopping there.. taking pictures, pointing things out... yeah.. smelling the roses, the wildflowers.... anything & everything along the way. So, we compromise. We run run run run run... and when we stop for a breath, I look around, and notice the beauty. It's everywhere. And, sometimes I even snap a picture, or two..... :) SOOOO... We don't get any younger. It's important to get out there and enjoy everything we can. Yesterday is gone... and we can't predict the future.......
Oh! Yeah... Soon we'll be headed to Baltimore. I can't wait!!! Our dear friend Paul has invited us to his house for the night, along with some other long lost friends. We're going there to celebrate his Birthday, and his recent engagement! He's such a love. He went through such a terrible divorce. He sure does deserve this happiness with Lori. I am so excited for him. He's so in love. It's so sweet! Anyway, we'll be going out on the town, in Baltimore. A comedy Club, and maybe out dancing. I can't wait. We haven't seen any of these friends in about a year and a half. I really do look forward to it.... We're going in a couple of weeks!!!!!
Friends. I have a couple of friends that are going through some major things in life. I hate it for them. I'm there if they need me.......
What else? Well, we can always talk about the weather. :) It's mild! AND, it's expected to reach 70 tomorrow. Can that be so? Are we almost out of the frigid winter months???? I hope so! Fingers crossed!!!!!
That's about it, for now... I do have so much to blog about. I think I'd even be blogging more if I didn't have that nasty stalker on me! Yeah, you! I'm not going to let you intimidate me. :P This is my blog..... YOU can go away!
Happy Tuesday!!!!!!!!!