And what a beautiful day it was!!!!!!!!!! I had to excuse myself from my desk today and go sit outside for a few minutes to catch some fresh air! It was incredible out! No signs of humidity at all! A great weather day!
Day 3. The sexy lovin' challenge! It's fun. Some people may not agree. When planning for sexy time begins, some think it takes the excitement out. No way! It's a beautiful thing! Planning sometimes makes it even more exciting! Tonight he surprises me with one of his incredible techniques! Last night I was the surpriser! It's great! You should try it too. Plus, you can account for sex as a form of exercise. AND, it's very healthy for a man to keep his prostate healthy. Medical experts suggest that a man ejaculate at least 21 times per month for good health! :) So now... we're doing it for health, exercise, fun, sexy bonding time, and to assure a good night's sleep! (lol)
Ok, enough of that "stuff"...
Today was a good day at work. I am very busy. I'm enjoying it a lot though. Today is the first day of the new fiscal year. So, I was very busy starting new FY09 stuff. Spreadsheets, files, folders, books, budget figures, etc... Busy busy busy!
And tonight I'm happy to be home! Hubby is doing amazing well with the patch. This quitting smoking is no cup of tea! He really has amazed me with his success. I see changes in him already. It's all very exciting! I am sooo proud of him!!
Oh... Happy July!!!!!!! Less than 6 weeks until our family cruise to Bermuda! I can't wait!!!!!!! Wooooo hooooo!!!! The kids are very excited too! And hubby loves to cruise, so he's equally as excited as me! I love Bermuda!!!!! I love NCL!!! And, we are staying in the same exact suite that we stayed in last year. Fun!!!! Good stuff coming up!
Next week is Weird Al - lol. The boys are certainly looking forward to that!!! Hubby and I are just looking forward to getting away for the night! It should be a lot of fun!!!
Brooke is at the beach this week. I'm really starting to miss her. My little munchkin!! Hope she's making lot's of good memories :)