Funny word if you look at it. :) "BLOG" Dunno, reminds me of a creepy, Black and White movie on T.V or something, when I was a little girl. :)
Anyway. Here I am. I need an outlet right now, to express myself. I haven't been doing that lately. And so, here I am. This is my NEW someplace to get it out of my head. If you find it boring, no need to stay, and finish reading about me. If you enjoy it, well... thanks.... pretty cool. I don't lead a very exciting life.. but it's still mine.
I'm thinking about how fast the nights have been passing. It amazes me, lately. I think that keeping track, documenting... well, somehow it helps me feel alive. I'm posting, day after day, and the days turn into weeks, so quickly. WOW. It's a real eye opener to me.
Last night was ok. We went out for a little bit. We went to see Michelle. I always know when she's falling off the wagon (or, fell off). She is on me like bee's on Honey. Her breath is atrocious, and my eye's water from the smell of alcohol. She humps my leg (no joke), and she climbs all over Fred, too. What a difference it is, to see a SOBER Michelle, vs. a drunk, or under the influence Michelle. *Sigh. The thing is, people don't know, or realize while under the influence, that they are behaving any different. It's the sober one's that notice, and feel the change, first hand. I hope she straightens up. I'm sure it's difficult. We all have our struggles in life. Our weaknesses, addictions, etc.. I just hope she'll be okay.
I'm here at work. It's quiet. I wish I had a buddy to chat with. I can't talk to Eveline (until lunch). She and I don't usually say much in the morning. We both need time to build up our energy for Lot's of laughs during our break. :)
I have so much inside of me. I don't even know where to begin. I'm this person with so much life, and I feel like I can't let it out right now. Maybe I'll just close this page, turn on some music, right here at my desk... climb up on the desktop, and dance my ass off. :) In my mind, I can do that. Reality - the bats would think I'm nuts. lol
^..^ This girl needs to get out. I'm serious.