It's contagious. I know it is. It's one of the most beautiful sounds in the world.
When someone is laughing, it makes me smile.
When I hear happiness, I want to be a part of it. I want to laugh along. And, most of the time, I do.
I enjoy making other people laugh. When I am able to do so, I feel so nice, inside. If I can turn a frown into a smile, I'm happy.
Today, I made some of my Co-workers Laugh. It feels good.
Susie came in (one of the most resistant to happy people I know). I made sure I said hello to her, with a friendly smile. She's sad today. She's just gotten back from a funeral. It was only a few weeks ago that she had to bury her son. Today, I want to make her smile. Somehow, I plan on lifting her spirits enough, to bring her a little sunshine. My goal for this afternoon. :)
Laughter.... the best medicine.
I honestly believe that.
Another goal: I will not say anything at all, if I cannot say something nice. :)