WOW! What a weekend we had with our "Cruise" friends!!! How cool it was to spend quality time with them at the Inner Harbor, and pool hopping at 2 a.m! I can't even tell you how hard I laughed when we snuck in to the pool at our neighboring hotel. I felt like a teenager all over again. It was like swimming in the fountain of youth...
The inner Harbor was great. Who knew I would really love the Dueling Piano Bar? What fun it was!!!
ESPN Sports Zone outside was fun!
So was Hard Rock Cafe outside!
And trains, cabs, and walking was so different than hopping in the car and driving!!!!
GO YANKEES!!!! You'd think that we were in NYC with all those crazy Yankee fans in town for the game!
Friends.... special stuff. Chris, Trish, Donna, Maria, Tresa, Scott, Judy, Michael... and the rest. It was so cool being together. Fun fun fun!!!!
The "Hots" had a fantastic time!!!!!
Here's a few pictures of us on our "Land Cruise" weekend in Baltimore. Sorry I don't have any of the pool hopping!!! The group dropped from 16 to 5, and I didn't want to get the camera wet. Where were the rest of them? They were dropping like flies all night, and we were the only one's hanging in there. See, it paid off that I didn't consume gallons of alchol like the rest of them!!! (LOL)
Let's do it again... real soon!