It's Sunday night and I am completely exhausted!!!!
I worked my booty off today. And, in the process, I learned something about myself..
I own WAY to many clothes. Oh my....
I thought I would organize some things in my closets, store some winter stuff, break out some spring clothes, etc..etc... I am beyond ridiculous about how much clothing I actually own. I am pretty confident that I could wear a different outfit each day for a year. AND, I am certain I could do the same with panties.
It literally took me all day to get things in order. I mean, seasonal, colors, types, work vs. casual vs. dressy vs. average...etc...
I know it may not sound like a lot of work, but it really was.
lol - hours and hours and hours. I have a lot of beautiful dresses, too! I can't wait to wear them this spring and summer!!!
This weekend was fairly uneventful. Brandon had Mike, Chris and John spend the night on Saturday, and Brooke was on the run with Tyler Friday and Saturday, and went to The Sixers game today with Haley and her parents. I told her to pay attention to how cool it was going to be to see the players. If you haven't gone to a pro basketball game, it's quite an experience to see. TALL... very very tall. They almost look fake. :)
Mom and Dad were supposed to come for Dinner tonight, but Dad wasn't feeling well. He's on a lot of medication, and has a pace maker, so I thought he would be all fixed up. Sometimes I worry about him. I hope he's okay. I'm glad we're only a few miles away from them, and I know they know we're always here if they need us.
I'm feeling really good. I can't believe how excited I actually am about going to the gym tomorrow after work. LOL. I've already put my gym bag in the car so if I'm in a rush tomorrow, I won't forget it. I think I'll go the same days this week. Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday. And, next week, if my hip is up and ready for it, I am going to take a spinning class. I'm gonna get my round booty in shape in no time. Sexy is back in town, so you better watch out!!!!!
Next weekend is already something I'm trying to figure out. We'll be getting together with Jimm and Monica, but we're not sure if we'll be going there or they'll be coming here. I'm always up for hitting the road, so we'll have to see what we all come up with. I had connected with someone who was going to be celebrating her Birthday at a Country Western Bar that will have a mechanical bull next Saturday, BUT, it turns out that it's way far, and not something we can do from here or from Jimm and Monica's. So, I'll have to tell her we can't make it. I don't know if I'll ever find the opportunity to ride a mechanical bull. Maybe it's for the best. I don't want to get hurt. Fred calls me "Grace"... He sorta teases me because I'm not the most graceful girl around.. but hey, I'm doing much much better. I will definitely keep my eyes out for a place to go with the bull, even if I just get to watch :)
I've been thinking a lot about heading out to the club sometime in the near future. I'm feeling a lot better since the winter is pretty much behind us, and I'm doing better things for myself. I'd love to go spend a weekend out there, and one night at the club. I am spreading the word to some of my girlfriends out in the Harrisburg area, and they all want to go. It would be nice to have us all in one place for a night again... those WERE the days. :) I miss my girltime so bad!
I can't believe it's almost April! March flew by like crazy. I am scared sometimes about how quickly time seems to be passing. I want to enjoy every day of it, so ... slow down!!!!
Not sure what I have in store for me this week at work. I hope it's a fairly good and productive week. I hope it will be sunny and warm sometime soon. I might watch the weather tonight to see what's going on. I miss spring. Sometimes, it goes from freezing cold to burning hot. I am not a fan of the hot hot summer.. so spring is something I love.. I hope we don't miss it this year.
Feeling good. Frisky naughty good. I love that. I have to keep those damn white carbs out of my life. I swear they cause me depression. As soon as I quit eating sugar and white carbs, I feel like a million bucks....
Everything else is going pretty well. I am still thinking about planning a party at the house. I think a poker party would be fun. I might be really daring and put out an open invite on facebook. Not to likely that 290 or so people would all show up... hmmmm, that would be crazy. I do want to open my social circle up a little more. Bring in a good mix of old friends, new friends, etc... that's my goal. Let's see how it goes!
I've slacked a little on my blogging. That is also something I need to pick up on a bit. I always have a lot to say, but lately I've been wrapped up in other things in life and haven't gotten the chance to sit down and throw my thoughts out on blogging... I miss it, therefore, I am back on it. I know there's a reason for it, and I so must do it.
I watched a little bit of that Napoleon Dynamite movie this morning. What a great way to start the day. It made me smile and laugh... However, there was a part of the movie that got to me. It's funny how music can affect us in life. Years can pass, and life moves along, and then you hear a song that you knew from years and years ago, and suddenly you are living in that moment. Happy, sad, good or bad, it comes right to the surface of the memory. For me, songs and scents are so powerful when it comes to jogging my memory. And, for anyone who knows me, I worry about losing the memory, and my mind... and when things come to me... it reminds me that I'm just fairly normal, and my brain is okay. Today I had one of those moments.
This laptop is so hot on my lap it's making me sweat. LOL.
So, there we have it. I may not have covered it all, what I did this whole weekend, but I sure did still have a lot to say.