Where has it gone?
I can't believe that this Friday is actually AUGUST!
It's crazy! We haven't even gone on our summer vacation, and it's August on Friday?
We're going to our first pool party on Saturday (Adult's only) and the summer is almost over? Wow, I have no idea what to say about all this. Seems nowadays we blink our eyes and another season, heck.. another year has passed us by. And it gets faster as we age? Oh my! I guess we're in for quite a ride!
So, today. HOT HOT HOT! Yet, I had a professional Development meeting this morning in a Board room that I knew was freezing cold. And the meeting is always about 90 minutes. SO, I wore a dress with long sleeves. I went from burning up to freezing! Then, after the meeting was over, I thawed out as I walked back to my building. By the time I hit the office door, I felt comfy... then, back in to the freeze box (my office). I'm shocked and amazed that I'm not sick as a dog with all the changes of temperature! lol!
How's everything with YOU??? Here I go again about life. It's so strange and unusual. Friends, they come and go. Sometimes you can't talk to them enough, and then boom! A year passes, or months, or whatever, and you hear nothing. Yet, in the meantime, new friends come into your life. It's sort of bittersweet. I miss the one's I don't keep in contact with, yet I am both anxious and excited to get to know my new friends. Tell me, is there ever any happy medium? I don't really think there is.......
My life is good. It's not the roller coaster it used to be. It's fun, sweet, sexy, exciting, and very entertaining. I think a lot of it had to do with the fact that I'm very happy with my job, my hubby, my kids, and myself. It's nice to be at this point in my life. I wouldn't trade it with anyone in the world. Nope, not ever.
Hey... Happy Tuesday. I was told once (or twice) that when I blogged, the reader felt like I was talking directly to them. Sometimes I am. :) And, other times I am just expressing myself, and including you - it's all part of me, and my personality.