Thursday, January 6, 2011
Going to 7-11 to grab hubby a couple packs of cigarettes - $10.50
Picking up some candy for the kids, even though they aren't little anymore - $3.00
Grabbing some milk - $2.50
Getting home and sitting in the driveway with my teenage daughter, talking about life, love and everything you can fit into 10 minutes while you listen to a song from the 80's - Priceless.
((photo of Brooke in Bermuda, compliments of me))

Erin Montgomery is having an ultra emotional day. I am definitely looking forward to the weekend.......
Work was very busy today. I finished the major project that was dropped into my lap at the very last minute. Fixed the issues and problems that needed to be fixed. I sure wish it was that easy to do with people. Like, how Brooke is struggling.. I wish I could just fix it for her. Or Fred... I wish I could sit down, make a few adjustments for him, and BOOM. But, it's not that easy. Nope.... it's not the same.
So, I came home from work and my Christmas tree was gone. All cleaned up and put away. Nice.. And, the house was clean... and the floors were vacuumed. The kids back room was looking nice! Slot machine all lit up and pretty... everything looked great. And, dinner in the oven. I wasn't hungry, but it was so nice, and so thoughtful. Thank you Mr. Montgomery. You really worked hard to make me happy and proud. I am, and I appreciate it soooo much.
Romeo is nowhere to be found. Here I go again with a broken heart over a cat. I hope he's just hiding out, and making a plan to come back soon. I have a love/hate thing with pets. They make us happy, they break our hearts. They mess the house up, then they come on over and start purring when I speak to them, or scratch them behind their sweet little ears. I tell myself every single time, no more pets. Then, there they are... I say I won't get attached. Boom, I fall for the little furry suckers in an instant.. Or, I don't - then suddenly they do something that's so endearing and sweet that I can't help myself. I hope he's okay. I hope he'll be home later. I am worried, I won't lie.
Tonight I'm going to watch "Pay it Forward", I think. Fred says that we saw this movie back in like 2001. I don't remember. Not a surprise. I have a hard time remembering things sometimes. Maybe once I see it I'll remember. I heard it's a good movie. I look forward to seeing it.
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