And so it goes....
We're off to buy a Christmas tree....
One for me, and one for you :)
Hey Mister, you got any cute Charlie Brown trees? :)
he did.
And I was very happy.
Everyone was...

Nothing smells more like Christmas than a fresh cut Christmas Tree in the Living Room. No matter how big, or small... fat, or skinny.. the smell of a sweet Christmas tree is just so refreshing!
We picked two trees out this year. One for us, and one for my good friend. I was so excited for her to come over. The last time she came, we had such a nice visit. I was looking forward to seeing her again.
They came over around 7:00 p.m. Hubby prepared all sorts of great food, and I got a bunch goodies together for when they arrived. It was such a nice visit. I mean it. I enjoy the company of Julie so much. And, Rudy is a nice guy, too. He thinks everything is really funny, which is good for me! I enjoy making people laugh. :) He seems to think the world of Fred, which is good. It gives Julie and I time to visit, and the guys can hang out while we chat. Nice! But last night, we planned on playing a game. Only problem was, we couldn't find the game we wanted to play. I grabbed Julie, and off to Toys R us we went. I ended up buying two games. We only ended up playing one. It was SO MUCH FUN!!!! We laughed and laughed. It was silly, fun, and a great "conversation game". It was so funny that we ended up playing it until 2:00 a.m!!! I'm serious. lol! No drinking, nothing.... just fun with friends. :)
Here's the game we played:

So, that was our Saturday night. Julie loved all the clothes I got for her. She couldn't wait to unwrap the Christmas tree, and surprise her daughter with it. I am excited for her. And, I hope Jory enjoys her gifts. I had so much fun playing Santa this year. It was so much fun.. and, it really made me feel good, to be able to help a friend out. I love Julie. She is very special to me. She was the first friend I made back in 1986, when I moved to Pa. I am so grateful to have her back in my life. I think she feels the same way, too. :)
So much more going on... Will post more in just a bit! Time to make some dinner!!!!!!