I lost 3.8 lbs!
I have exceeded my 10 pound weight loss!!!! YIPPIE!!!! I've lost over 10 pounds!!! OH happiness!!!!
*Pats self on the back
I am very excited. I really am. Let me tell you. This is not easy! It's no picnic trying to pass up all the yummy things I love. But, I do feel a heck of a lot better.
Brandon and I just had a really nice Mom and Son lunch together. We picked up Sushi, and brought it home. Set the table, and ate. It was really good. He and I are the only two in the family that enjoy sushi. So, when he suggested it, how could I resist? It was a great chance for us to enjoy something yummy!!! And I got more "bonding" time with my boy!!!!!
So, that's the story!
Now, I have to run and pick my girls up. They want to swim!
Be back!!
Happy Day!