Sunday morning.
I love Sunday Mornings....
Postsecret, coffee.. email check, facebook.. the usual routine. I am a total creature of habit. And, that's okay as long as I'm learning that it's okay to step out of the same old same old and try new things. :)
I'll share something about Friday night. It was so strange.
I went to the ATM to take $60.00 out. No problem. But, when it came out of the machine and I held it in my hands, I couldn't comprehend that it was $60.00. I was staring at it (3 twenty dollar bills) wondering in my head how they could have only given me $30.00. Fred was asking me what was wrong and I was so focused on my mental block that I wasn't answering him. Soon I figured it out, recognized that it was the correct amount of money, and answered him. Either my head is way to full of things going on, or.. I'm losing it. I hope it's just normal. The same thing happens with names lately. I could know someone for years and all of the sudden I'll be telling a story about them, or relaying a message regarding them, and I can't remember their name. I get a little embarrassed when this happens at work. And, sometimes when it happens at home I feel stupid.. as though I'm playing some name game. But, I'm not. I hope I'm normal. Well, as normal as this girl can be.
Today I have my usual Sunday chores to do. Laundry, grocery shopping, pick the kids up...etc..etc.. Oh, speaking of kids....
You know what I like best about my ex husband? That he's my EX! lol....
He was supposed to pick Brookie up yesterday from her friends house. He never did. He didn't even call her once. Thank god I am constantly in touch with her... He never even checked on her to make sure she was ok. Not once. She was fine. She spent the night with Haley last night. I knew that. He didn't. She could have been somewhere she shouldn't be... she wasn't.... she was fine. But, he had no idea, and no care in the world. Stupid A-hole.
Well, I better get my day started. I have a lot to do, and I'm excited to get it all done. :)