I had a rough night's sleep last night. At 3 a.m. , I was wide awake. Going over my life, in my head. Trying to figure things out, that really don't need to be figured out at 3 a.m. My head was so full of thoughts, and I couldn't make them go away. Apparently, somehow, I feel back to sleep. When my alarm clock went off this morning, I shut it off. Or something.... And, next thing I know, it's 7:00 a.m. One hour later than my usual wake up time. NO coffee in bed... no wake up time with the news... I jumped out of bed & right into the shower... NOT a fun way to start my day. Everything was so rushed. And, of course, Brandon was late because of me being late. Drill Seargent Mommy kicked in, and we all made it on time! *Whew! Of course I had to drive him to school. That, I don't mind :).
I hope today is a good day. It's not been the best morning...... *Sigh