Well, yesterday I could have been described as the month of March.... I went into the day like a lion, and went out like a lamb! I started my day in a bad sort of way. I had troubles a miles high, and conflict with the people I love. Then, during the course of the day, I decided that I was going to be okay. AND, the people that love me, and care for me, well... they'll be there. And the one's that don't - well, they'll just "go away".
So, last night - I had a GREAT time with my kiddie loves. The 3 of us went to the Mall. It was so much fun. They love going out with me. They think I'm a pretty cool Mom. We laugh a lot, and talk about stuff. And, I listen to everything they want to tell me. It was nice..... just nice :)
Then, when we got back, I joined the small going away party for Marie and Brian. It was cool. Fred and I connected. We have had the most difficult time. It's been tough. But, last night was good. We played "Family Feud" with Jim and Dennis, and then he and I played "Scrabble". We both felt drained from all the conflict, and fighting. And, I think we both knew, it was time to start over. With a clean slate.