Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Where has it gone?
I can't believe that this Friday is actually AUGUST!
It's crazy! We haven't even gone on our summer vacation, and it's August on Friday?
We're going to our first pool party on Saturday (Adult's only) and the summer is almost over? Wow, I have no idea what to say about all this. Seems nowadays we blink our eyes and another season, heck.. another year has passed us by. And it gets faster as we age? Oh my! I guess we're in for quite a ride!
So, today. HOT HOT HOT! Yet, I had a professional Development meeting this morning in a Board room that I knew was freezing cold. And the meeting is always about 90 minutes. SO, I wore a dress with long sleeves. I went from burning up to freezing! Then, after the meeting was over, I thawed out as I walked back to my building. By the time I hit the office door, I felt comfy... then, back in to the freeze box (my office). I'm shocked and amazed that I'm not sick as a dog with all the changes of temperature! lol!
How's everything with YOU??? Here I go again about life. It's so strange and unusual. Friends, they come and go. Sometimes you can't talk to them enough, and then boom! A year passes, or months, or whatever, and you hear nothing. Yet, in the meantime, new friends come into your life. It's sort of bittersweet. I miss the one's I don't keep in contact with, yet I am both anxious and excited to get to know my new friends. Tell me, is there ever any happy medium? I don't really think there is.......
My life is good. It's not the roller coaster it used to be. It's fun, sweet, sexy, exciting, and very entertaining. I think a lot of it had to do with the fact that I'm very happy with my job, my hubby, my kids, and myself. It's nice to be at this point in my life. I wouldn't trade it with anyone in the world. Nope, not ever.
Hey... Happy Tuesday. I was told once (or twice) that when I blogged, the reader felt like I was talking directly to them. Sometimes I am. :) And, other times I am just expressing myself, and including you - it's all part of me, and my personality.
Monday, July 28, 2008
Monday Monday.......

It took A LOT of coffee to get me going today!!
Wow... the weekend went way to fast!
I miss my hubby today. And, I miss the kids.
I'm at work, and my day is almost done, but I'm wishing the weekend was just a day longer. Is that way to much to ask? Sometimes I think it would make us all more productive at work :)
Speaking of work... I'm actually blogging from my new desk! woohoo! There's hope that I WILL find enough down time to spend a few minutes reflecting on my life. I hope so! It's been one heck of a busy summer!!!
Well, this was just a test. A silly test of my own to see if I could blog in a few small moments. It's a nice break. And, this day is about over. Today I leave at 4:30. Next week we are back to FULL hours! Boo!
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Sunday, Gloomy Sunday....

I am not going to be this terrible at Blogging!! I'm not! I've just been busy! Promise!
So, TWO weeks from today I am going to be crying happy tears!!! I just know it. I honestly get all emotional when we take our family cruise. It's so sweet and special to me. Now, don't get me wrong... when Hubby and I go on a cruise without the kids, it's fantastic!!! BUT, there's a whole different level of special going on when the kids go with us on our annual family Cruise. They love it so much. And, it makes me think about how we're able to share this time with them. When I was a kid.... there was NO WAY IN HELL we'd be going on a cruise! We just couldn't afford it. Not a chance. So, yeah.. it feels really good to be able to do this. And to see them during the week, in their absolute glory. :) And Bermuda... it's all of our favorite! So, two weeks from today, at this time of day, I expect to be on the pool deck, with a tropical drink in hand, enjoying the moment that we begin to sail out of port (4pm) and begin the Bon Voyage Party! YES!!!!!!!! Can't wait!!!!!!!
Oh, sorry! Got lost in my excitement there :)
This weekend. Well, in a nutshell.....
Friday night. Hubby and I stayed in. I called my girlfriend who lives in North Carolina, and we chatted for about an hour. It was fun. We'll be seeing her at the end of August. A group of "Cruisers" will be having a "Land" party for the weekend in Baltimore. It should be a blast!!! We'll b e meeting a lot of people that we've been friends with on a cruise chat board for a good long time. Fun! We'll even meet some people that we're actually going to Cruise with next year, in a group that we belong to! If anyone who reads this is interested in going, let us know!!! It's a huge group, and the cruise should be awesome! Send me an email if you're interested!
Anyway, Friday (I get lost in my own head).. Hubby and I stayed in and watched "Swingtown" Well, we tried. For some reason (oh, did I mention the kids are gone for a week).. for some reason, we kept getting distracted, and all sorts of sexy with each other. It's not every day we can run around the house naked (lol).. So, not that we missed the show, but it might be a good idea to watch it again. Thank goodness for Tivo! And after Swingtown....we took our silly selves to bed <3 yum.
Saturday. We went shopping a bit. Hubby knows that he never goes wrong on the weekend if he takes me out shopping. For anything! I just love shopping. I think it's really a girl thing. The shopping was SO fun. I do love it. :) And then, Saturday night. something else. We hoped to have some big time fun, or big plan to go out. Nuttin' happening.
SO - we went to a local place. Had a bite to eat, a drink, and played a couple of games of pool. Then, we went to a Strip club that we've never been in, and it's really close to home. Now we've been there, done that. It was "ok". It's hard to think anything major of a local strip club when we've been to so many places that are well, let's say, so "open minded", and "clothing optional". LOL.. what can I say??
Today. It's pouring! Our plan was to go to the movies! BUT, we started out by doing something different. We went to an Indian Restaurant for lunch first. Then the rain began. Hubby and I hurried home so he could put the Harley in the garage. Too late! We got home and it was raining BUCKETS!!!! So, we're going to wait until the rain lets up, and then we'll go to the movies!
Ok, the kids left on Friday. They went to Ocean City, NJ for a week!! Cousins, Aunts and Uncles, and Grandparents. Oh, and their "other" Dad. I hope they have the best time. It's great for us, because now we don't have to go grocery shopping today (lol)!!! No, really... we will miss them, but being that in 2 weeks we'll be spending an entire week in our suite on the ship, this is good for us all! :)
Wow, I had some stuff to get out! lol I am like a typing freak!
I have now been at my new department for 2 months. 2 months today. It's fantastic. I am so crazy happy with my job. I have a totally new project that I'll be working on next week. I'll share more about that later!!!
Life is good. I am happy about how things are going, and I'm looking forward to the future. I am so thrilled that life is so good to me, and the one's I care about and love. For those who struggle and suffer, I am so sorry. All I can do is say that tomorrow the sun will shine, and hopefully it will shine on you.
I better give my fingers a break :)
Happy Sunday!
Oh, and don't forget to read this weeks postsecrets!
Sunday, July 20, 2008

SO, I'm still failing miserably about catching up with my blogging!!!! Well, I'm trying! This picture is current - from last night!! Hubby and I went out with some friends, and it was okay. I didn't feel well at all, so I was not the life of the party by any means. But, I'm glad we went. So often people invite us out, and we don't go. Then we feel bad and wish that we went. Last night we got up and met them at Michaels. It would have been a great time if I felt better. But, there's always next time.
3 weeks until our cruise! Can't wait! I honestly feel like I need a vacation now more than ever! With the kids being another year older, I'm very excited about the trip, and the excursions that we'll be going on. Brooke is going to swim in the waters of Bermuda with the Dolphins, and Brandon is going scuba diving. I'm not sure what I want to do yet (we all choose and excursion), but it might be a visit to the 9 Beaches resort. I'm hoping to check it out so that I can decide if we're going to vacation there sometime. It's beautiful, and the individual cabana huts (rather than hotel rooms) are situated on the water, or at the tips of the land. They're made from canvas (the walls) and some of them have glass floors so you can look down into the water at all the tropical fish. If you do a google search, you'll see it. Paradise!!!!
Work is good. I'm up to my eyeballs with work. New projects, and lot's to learn. I'm amazed each day how much I'm learning. It seems they are happy with me there. I hear from others in my suite that everyone is very pleased with my work. I have had so many nice things said to me since I've been there. I finally feel like I'm in a place where my work is appreciated, and I am valued as an employee. It's all good.
Well, lot's and tons to share. Only thing is, I'm exhausted! Can't think clear enough to post everything, so I'll close with this.....
Happy Summer.
May each day bring you sunshine and happiness.
Sunday, July 13, 2008

Not that I'm counting......
But four weeks from today I will be in the same exact spot as I am standing in that picture. I am beside myself ... I am so excited!!!!! Cruising with my family to Bermuda. Same ship, same suite as last year! So, I am finally close enough to going that I can feel the excitement!!!!!
Where have I been??? LoL, funny you ask! I've been working, playing, and running all over.. from Yardley to Ocean City!
Been to Atlantic City (Weird Al). Brandon and Justin Loved it! This show went on from 7:00 p.m. until almost 10:30! Can you imagine? A long show! Lot's of fun though. The guy really entertained the audience the entire time. I'm glad they loved it. Then, the next day, we dropped the boys off at Brandon's friends beach house. Nice family. They had a great afternoon! Hubby and I went on a date while the boys spent time at the beach. It was a lot of fun! What a beautiful day, and a great "bonus" day off!!!
What else? Friday night we met a few couples at a club. We were meeting there to celebrate Mikes Birthday. He chose a "Go-Go" (as they called it) bar. It was okay.The company was nice, and a few of the dancers were pretty good.... but I think I'd do an even better job on the pole! And I'm not a pole dancer!!! They just didn't put much into it. I'm used to seeing really enthusiastic dancers. These were not... lol. But, it was nice getting together with our friends!
The rest of this weekend was fairly relaxing. Last night hubby and I played the game "Life". It was fun. We spent some nice quiet time together. Life has been so crazy busy lately for us both that a night at home on the couch was really something we both needed. We had some friends that invited us out, but honestly we were pretty worn out, and needed a break.
Tonight the kids are back home (even my extra kid, Lindsey)... and things feel pretty normal. I'm just sitting here on the couch watching t.v with my hubby, and blogging. Back to work tomorrow.........
Is it really mid July? I can't believe how fast time is passing lately. It's amazing to me!!! I understand that as we age, time seems to pass us by much faster than when we were young. I'm starting to really understand that... and It's really strange.
So, that's about it. I have nothing more to report. I do have to say, I am still happy to be at my new job. It's so much fun, and such an incredible challenge. I feel lucky and blessed to be in my new Division.
Anyway.. Happy Sunday! Happy Summer!!!!!
Sunday, July 6, 2008
This Weekend....
Friday, July 4, 2008
Friday.. (day 6)
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Thursday (day 5 )

Just because I miss a day of blogging, doesn't mean that I miss a day of Lovin'!!!
But, I'll tell you what... if I was going to miss a day of lovin', it would have last night!!!! I WAS EXHAUSTED! Hubby and I went out on what I thought would be a "quick" date. Well, we didn't get home until almost Midnight. On a work night!!!! Was I ever tired! I have to give him credit, where credit is due.... He did ask to get in the back seat of the car. I did.. But then he did too... and he had "The look" in his eyes!!!! Naughty Naughty man!!! I just couldn't do it!!! Normally I'm a freaky girl, but not in the parking lot, last night. I think I was way too sleepy! So, we held off until we got home. It was awesome!!!! And so we move along, to day 5!
Today work was rather interesting. Each day that passes I think there couldn't be anything possible left for me to learn. Boy am I wrong!! I do research in my position. It's fun, and very interesting. Today I did all sorts of research in Yahoo Finance, and a few others. Fun. I had no idea how much information is right out there on people. It's crazy! I have yet to have have a boring work day. I'm so completely loving this job. Now, on the other hand... I'm not loving 2 completely jealous, nasty, petty women in the office. But, you know.... this comes with a job in any office. Throw a pretty, smart, friendly, and sweet woman in the mix and there's always a bit of jealousy. Why? Who the heck knows. And, at this very point in time... who the heck cares! One of the women told me very clearly that she wanted the job I am in. And that she regrets leaving it. She was once in the position and then made a lateral move to something else. Now she hates her new position. And, to make matters even more uncomfortable... it's in the same office suite! I can deal with it. As much as she talks behind my back....(and everyone Else's) I kiss her butt like there's no tomorrow. Nothing like throwing some sugar her way. It makes her look even more foolish for talking about me (and everyone else). But, before I moved to Advancement, I was warned about her. She's the sourpuss of the suite. Ah... who cares! I learned to grow a tough exterior from working in the other office. Grumpy cranky women in there too (except my sweet pal for life, Ev).
And now that I got that off my chest......
HAPPY extended Holiday weekend!!!!!!!!!
I hope you have a great one!!!!!
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Happy Tuesday! (Day 3)

And what a beautiful day it was!!!!!!!!!! I had to excuse myself from my desk today and go sit outside for a few minutes to catch some fresh air! It was incredible out! No signs of humidity at all! A great weather day!
Day 3. The sexy lovin' challenge! It's fun. Some people may not agree. When planning for sexy time begins, some think it takes the excitement out. No way! It's a beautiful thing! Planning sometimes makes it even more exciting! Tonight he surprises me with one of his incredible techniques! Last night I was the surpriser! It's great! You should try it too. Plus, you can account for sex as a form of exercise. AND, it's very healthy for a man to keep his prostate healthy. Medical experts suggest that a man ejaculate at least 21 times per month for good health! :) So now... we're doing it for health, exercise, fun, sexy bonding time, and to assure a good night's sleep! (lol)
Ok, enough of that "stuff"...
Today was a good day at work. I am very busy. I'm enjoying it a lot though. Today is the first day of the new fiscal year. So, I was very busy starting new FY09 stuff. Spreadsheets, files, folders, books, budget figures, etc... Busy busy busy!
And tonight I'm happy to be home! Hubby is doing amazing well with the patch. This quitting smoking is no cup of tea! He really has amazed me with his success. I see changes in him already. It's all very exciting! I am sooo proud of him!!
Oh... Happy July!!!!!!! Less than 6 weeks until our family cruise to Bermuda! I can't wait!!!!!!! Wooooo hooooo!!!! The kids are very excited too! And hubby loves to cruise, so he's equally as excited as me! I love Bermuda!!!!! I love NCL!!! And, we are staying in the same exact suite that we stayed in last year. Fun!!!! Good stuff coming up!
Next week is Weird Al - lol. The boys are certainly looking forward to that!!! Hubby and I are just looking forward to getting away for the night! It should be a lot of fun!!!
Brooke is at the beach this week. I'm really starting to miss her. My little munchkin!! Hope she's making lot's of good memories :)
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