Friday, December 21, 2007
Thursday, December 20, 2007

It's a beautiful day! I am SO thrilled that the sun is out, and the wind has calmed down. Nice!
The countdown begins!!!! I have the rest of today, and all of tomorrow - and then, I'm on VACATION!!!! I can't wait. I have huge trip ahead of me, and of course - Christmas! Can't wait. I think we could all use a vacation. A lot of changes this year. Hoping for a fabulous 2008.
We had a nice party this morning. The Business department invited us over for Breakfast. It was really nice, and thoughtful of them. Nice people. We've had a party every day this week. I'm seriously going to explode if I eat any more! I have everything planned for the start of 2008. I am seriously turning over a new leaf. If you notice any changes in me, it's because I'm making some important ones - hopefully for life. So, it won't be your imagination. I'm making changes, baby!
Anyway, today is pretty relaxed.. I am enjoying myself, and taking time to gather my things together, before the campus closes down for the holidays.

And... about my trip...
Hubby and I have decided to refer to it as: Our Journey.
It's for happy, and for sad...
Good.. and, well.. bad...
But, we're excited to go. He couldn't decide what to do. So, we sat down to talk about it. Me, well I always try to make things fun & exciting. He saw the long haul. I saw all the little stops along the way. So, I told him - "Let's look at it differently, why don't we focus on the Journey - rather than the destination." He LOVED the idea!!! Woohoo! I made some fun and sexy suggestions.. and so did he. When I say "sexy", I mean it in a sweet way. He and I can make any vanilla situation "sexy". It's fun!!! One of The best things about my DH and me as a couple - we have been together for 9 years, and we still flirt with each other like crazy. So, we're going to make it good. Make it happy (considering the reason for our visit). And, we're going to bond. More and more. Life is too short and precious, not to. And - it's all the little things that I've been hearing, seeing, etc.. that remind me of how fragile life really is.
So, that's my story! And, I'm sticking to it! :)
I better get back to work. I'm full of energy!!! :)

Well.... this has been QUITE a week. A lot going on!!!! Not minor stuff, either!
Where do I begin?????
Just some news to share:
I am a Step Grandma Again(sounds silly)! Yesterday, Frederick Howard Montgomery V was born. 9 lbs 3oz. I'll see him next week. On my Journey down South.
My Father In Law is very sick with Cancer. He's been given a very short time to live. Only a few months.... sad stuff...
My dear, sweet Rosie Rose... :) SHE'S PREGNANT! This is probably the best news I've heard in a very long time! She and Joey have been trying for years! She's been desperate to be a Mommy. She's been trying for about 12 years. HUGE CELEBRATION! I am so excited! We were on the phone Sunday morning, crying together. It's a blessing.. I can't wait to see her, and give her a hug. Good stuff...
My pal, Bernard. I spoke to him last night. He is going through a divorce. It's a tough time for him right now. He's gained custody of the two girls, and he's moving forward with his life. I had sent him a text msg last week, just to check in. He told me last night that it was just what he needed. He said that my message came at the most appropriate time. He was "fading" away. Wow. How nice to know I made a difference in his life. Bernard and I have been friends for over 20 years. He's one of the few friends I have taken along in my heart, from New York. Good Guy. Nice talk, last night...
My Granny. I don't know. Every time I speak to her on the phone I get all emotional. I love her so much. I called her last night to fill her in on everything that's going on. She is so precious. We had a really nice chat. I wish to be just like her... when we were getting off the phone I could barely say good-bye. She is the foundation on which I have grown.... and I adore her.
Julie. Last night she sent me a text msg.. told me that I meant the world to her. Um, wow... I wanted to cry. (see, I told you that I was emotional). She is almost at rock bottom in so many ways. We have been doing what we can to make her life a little better. Sometimes she seems selfish... last night she reached out, and I was so happy. It's amazing how such few words can make such a big difference in someones heart.... I felt so good inside. I feel so blessed.
So much.... I haven't even gone over everything... and this is all from this week. And, I could go on, and on........
I better get focused. I have things to do, places to go, and people to see. In the office for today, and tomorrow... and then I'M OFF UNTIL JAN 2ND! wooohoooo!!!!!!
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Happy Hump Day!
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Good Morning! Happy Tuesday!

Life just marches on! It's Tuesday - AGAIN!
And, I believe that all the coffee in the world won't cure me of my exhaustion right now. lol! I feel like I have a hangover. Not from alcohol.. from being surrounded by 22,000 screaming 7-15 year old girls! :)
So, Last night. Well, it's pretty simple. I had the opportunity to live for a few hours, through the eyes of my 11 year old daughter. It was pretty darn amazing. I tried to take it all in. I will admit.. It was a bit emotional for me.
Looking around the Wachovia Center, I realize that I am - a Mom, a woman, an adult. I'm this responsible human being. I see these children, all around me.. they are filled with excitement and delight. My daughter. She looks at me, and see's this "MOMMY" who takes care of her, and does all that I can, to give her all the things in life she can possibly have. Funny.. We connected last night, in so many ways. She would look at me, and smile. I'd see her eyes get teary, and I would just give her a "look" to let her know, I was right there with her. I can't really put all of this into words very well.
We went to this Concert. Yeah, it was crazy. These kids (mostly girls) could scream. Some even cried. It was fun. If one cannot tolerate high pitched screaming, I would not recommend a Miley Cyrus concert (oh, we cannot forget the Jonas Brothers!). It was fabulous. Not exactly my cup of tea... but, this was not for me. :)
Brooke and Lindsey made it on the News. C'mon, would you expect anything less from Brooke? She's a lot like me in so many ways. She has a love for the camera! (lol) She found those camera people from the news in a second! And, they made it on "Sports Net"
So, the night was a success. If this blog makes no sense at all... it's because I am seriously running on empty. :) But, it was worth every bit of the energy we all put out.... and I'm totally thrilled for Brooke. :)
Happy Tuesday. It's a beautiful, sunny, bitter cold day.
More blogging in a few.
Oh, and I have pics from last night - AT HOME. Will post them tomorrow.
Monday, December 17, 2007
The Countdown Begins!
I'm out of here at 3:30 p.m! Can't wait.
Lisa and Lindsey will be waiting for me, and then on to the house to grab Brooke!
We're headed to a "Pre-Concert" party at the Wachovia Center! Special invitations were sent out to fan club members. (lol)
Very exciting! During my lunch break, I ran to the store to pick up some earmuffs. It's so bitter cold out there!! Unbelievable! Brrrrrrr Chilly !!!
So, my Monday is more exciting than usual.
Other than that. I have been having some serious anxiety lately. I don't know if anyone knows how that feels. When I try to explain it, I compare it to having a sort of out of body experience. It's like I'm talking and doing my thing, but it's not real. Very difficult to explain. I'm hoping it's all due to the stress of everything that's going on. I haven't felt this strange in a VERY long time. *Sigh.
That's about it. I have some work to do, here in the office - and then I'm out the door!
Happy Holiday Season! And, Happy Monday!
Big Day!

Well, Not only is it Monday... freezing cold... and 1 week before Christmas Eve...
Today is the Biggest day of my daughter's life (so far)! Or, so she says! It's the day of our "Hanna Montana Best of Both Worlds" concert! What an exciting time for her!

Needless to say, it was no big challenge getting Brooke up for school this morning ::. She was up, in the shower, out... and drying her hair, singing away! Did I mention that Miley Cyrus is her Idol? Now, I have never seen her this way. She admires people, and that's great. But, this is really fun. I'm glad she's so crazy about this kid. It's fun to see her get so excited. And me.. I'm prepared. While getting ready for work this morning, I made sure to put waterproof mascara on. I know for sure, as soon as I see the tears in her eyes tonight, I'll be breaking out the tissues! :) I'm such a sappy Mom!

The rest of the weekend. Um, Cold. Freezing cold. However, we missed the storm (or did the storm miss us)... Whew... It rained, it poured... and then it dried up. As soon the ground dried up, the temperatures dropped, and the winds picked up! 53 mph winds! Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
Oops! I better get my morning started. (lol)
Happy Monday!!!!!
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Holiday Fact About Me, Erin.....
Saturday, December 15, 2007
Friday, December 14, 2007
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Thursday! Rain, Sleet... snow?
Oh... Poor Santa! :) Cute! Fun, Holiday Humor!

Slow and steady... my ride to work this morning. Rain.. sleet... and more rain. It's lousy out!!! yuck!
So, it's Thursday.
There has been so much going on. I should have blogged about it. Oh well... I am losing my enthusiasm for blogging. And, I don't want to. Sooooooooo... I'm making every effort to pick myself and my blogging back up. Starting now! :)
It's been busy - Life.
I've been doing a lot of shopping.. trying to get ready for the Holidays.
And, there's been some tension and stress at home. Not having it! Nope... Time to turn it around, and make goodness happen! Life is way too short for negative crap! And, tis the season to be "Jolly"!
So, last night I went on a date. Yep! A date with my teenage son! Brooke went to Cheer leading, and Fred went to a Holiday Dinner with his Co-workers. Brandon and I went out. It was so nice. I really enjoy his company. He's such a sweetheart. I adore that boy to pieces. Anyway... nice, bonding time. We had fun!
Oh.. and I went to see the Doc on Tuesday night. It went "ok". I filled a prescription last night that I was given. It's crazy! The side affects are a million times worse than the problem! I don't think I'm going to take this crap! I'm serious. I wish I read about the meds before I got them. Crap! I have to think this one over.... seriously.
Now, I better get some work done... or coffee.. hmmmmmmmm, coffee sounds good! lol. Work after coffee....
Happy Thursday! Later, I will blog about my "road trip"
Or something fun!

Slow and steady... my ride to work this morning. Rain.. sleet... and more rain. It's lousy out!!! yuck!
So, it's Thursday.
There has been so much going on. I should have blogged about it. Oh well... I am losing my enthusiasm for blogging. And, I don't want to. Sooooooooo... I'm making every effort to pick myself and my blogging back up. Starting now! :)
It's been busy - Life.
I've been doing a lot of shopping.. trying to get ready for the Holidays.
And, there's been some tension and stress at home. Not having it! Nope... Time to turn it around, and make goodness happen! Life is way too short for negative crap! And, tis the season to be "Jolly"!
So, last night I went on a date. Yep! A date with my teenage son! Brooke went to Cheer leading, and Fred went to a Holiday Dinner with his Co-workers. Brandon and I went out. It was so nice. I really enjoy his company. He's such a sweetheart. I adore that boy to pieces. Anyway... nice, bonding time. We had fun!
Oh.. and I went to see the Doc on Tuesday night. It went "ok". I filled a prescription last night that I was given. It's crazy! The side affects are a million times worse than the problem! I don't think I'm going to take this crap! I'm serious. I wish I read about the meds before I got them. Crap! I have to think this one over.... seriously.
Now, I better get some work done... or coffee.. hmmmmmmmm, coffee sounds good! lol. Work after coffee....
Happy Thursday! Later, I will blog about my "road trip"
Or something fun!
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Happy HUMP Day!

Happy Wednesday!
Much to blog about - but searching for the words.
I don't know where they are, but once I find them.... look out!
Yesterday, I took the day off from work. I'll call it a "Mental Health" day. :)
It was a day full of accomplishments.
Today. We have the President's Holiday Party. Our office will close at 3:00 p.m, and we'll go celebrate with Mort. :)
More blogging soon. I think I'm beginning to come to life....
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Monday, December 10, 2007
lol! I love this picture! It's exactly how I feel right now!
Sunday, December 9, 2007

Goofy Girls!

If we can't be silly, and make funny faces, and laugh at ourselves, every now and then.. what's the point in living? :)

Which way do we go? :P

Hey!!! I don't care if you're a teenager now... play with me, kiddo! This is me, laying on top of Brandon's back. lol...poor kid. He's so patient :)
Our Little Christmas Tree
Oh Christmas Tree......
And so it goes....
We're off to buy a Christmas tree....
One for me, and one for you :)
Hey Mister, you got any cute Charlie Brown trees? :)
he did.
And I was very happy.
Everyone was...

Nothing smells more like Christmas than a fresh cut Christmas Tree in the Living Room. No matter how big, or small... fat, or skinny.. the smell of a sweet Christmas tree is just so refreshing!
We picked two trees out this year. One for us, and one for my good friend. I was so excited for her to come over. The last time she came, we had such a nice visit. I was looking forward to seeing her again.
They came over around 7:00 p.m. Hubby prepared all sorts of great food, and I got a bunch goodies together for when they arrived. It was such a nice visit. I mean it. I enjoy the company of Julie so much. And, Rudy is a nice guy, too. He thinks everything is really funny, which is good for me! I enjoy making people laugh. :) He seems to think the world of Fred, which is good. It gives Julie and I time to visit, and the guys can hang out while we chat. Nice! But last night, we planned on playing a game. Only problem was, we couldn't find the game we wanted to play. I grabbed Julie, and off to Toys R us we went. I ended up buying two games. We only ended up playing one. It was SO MUCH FUN!!!! We laughed and laughed. It was silly, fun, and a great "conversation game". It was so funny that we ended up playing it until 2:00 a.m!!! I'm serious. lol! No drinking, nothing.... just fun with friends. :)
Here's the game we played:

So, that was our Saturday night. Julie loved all the clothes I got for her. She couldn't wait to unwrap the Christmas tree, and surprise her daughter with it. I am excited for her. And, I hope Jory enjoys her gifts. I had so much fun playing Santa this year. It was so much fun.. and, it really made me feel good, to be able to help a friend out. I love Julie. She is very special to me. She was the first friend I made back in 1986, when I moved to Pa. I am so grateful to have her back in my life. I think she feels the same way, too. :)
So much more going on... Will post more in just a bit! Time to make some dinner!!!!!!
And so it goes....
We're off to buy a Christmas tree....
One for me, and one for you :)
Hey Mister, you got any cute Charlie Brown trees? :)
he did.
And I was very happy.
Everyone was...

Nothing smells more like Christmas than a fresh cut Christmas Tree in the Living Room. No matter how big, or small... fat, or skinny.. the smell of a sweet Christmas tree is just so refreshing!
We picked two trees out this year. One for us, and one for my good friend. I was so excited for her to come over. The last time she came, we had such a nice visit. I was looking forward to seeing her again.
They came over around 7:00 p.m. Hubby prepared all sorts of great food, and I got a bunch goodies together for when they arrived. It was such a nice visit. I mean it. I enjoy the company of Julie so much. And, Rudy is a nice guy, too. He thinks everything is really funny, which is good for me! I enjoy making people laugh. :) He seems to think the world of Fred, which is good. It gives Julie and I time to visit, and the guys can hang out while we chat. Nice! But last night, we planned on playing a game. Only problem was, we couldn't find the game we wanted to play. I grabbed Julie, and off to Toys R us we went. I ended up buying two games. We only ended up playing one. It was SO MUCH FUN!!!! We laughed and laughed. It was silly, fun, and a great "conversation game". It was so funny that we ended up playing it until 2:00 a.m!!! I'm serious. lol! No drinking, nothing.... just fun with friends. :)
Here's the game we played:

So, that was our Saturday night. Julie loved all the clothes I got for her. She couldn't wait to unwrap the Christmas tree, and surprise her daughter with it. I am excited for her. And, I hope Jory enjoys her gifts. I had so much fun playing Santa this year. It was so much fun.. and, it really made me feel good, to be able to help a friend out. I love Julie. She is very special to me. She was the first friend I made back in 1986, when I moved to Pa. I am so grateful to have her back in my life. I think she feels the same way, too. :)
So much more going on... Will post more in just a bit! Time to make some dinner!!!!!!
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