Well, Not only is it Monday... freezing cold... and 1 week before Christmas Eve...
Today is the Biggest day of my daughter's life (so far)! Or, so she says! It's the day of our "Hanna Montana Best of Both Worlds" concert! What an exciting time for her!

Needless to say, it was no big challenge getting Brooke up for school this morning ::. She was up, in the shower, out... and drying her hair, singing away! Did I mention that Miley Cyrus is her Idol? Now, I have never seen her this way. She admires people, and that's great. But, this is really fun. I'm glad she's so crazy about this kid. It's fun to see her get so excited. And me.. I'm prepared. While getting ready for work this morning, I made sure to put waterproof mascara on. I know for sure, as soon as I see the tears in her eyes tonight, I'll be breaking out the tissues! :) I'm such a sappy Mom!

The rest of the weekend. Um, Cold. Freezing cold. However, we missed the storm (or did the storm miss us)... Whew... It rained, it poured... and then it dried up. As soon the ground dried up, the temperatures dropped, and the winds picked up! 53 mph winds! Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
Oops! I better get my morning started. (lol)
Happy Monday!!!!!