Happy Wednesday!
Well, besides the fact that it's Wednesday... it's also Administrative Professionals Day! We just went to our annual Breakfast. It was nice. Last year, I won a few prizes... not this time. (lol) However, it was still a very nice time. It's good to get out a little, and see new (And old) faces. Seemed like a big turn out this year. Nice. And, we came back to all sorts of gifts on our desks. We are very fortunate to have such nice bosses. I still find it astounding that the bats "boycott" the breakfast. It's more like a personal smack in the face to our boss. Oh well. Not me, not my problem.
Today is a beautiful day. A million reasons to be grateful. I am.
Brooke's concert is tonight. Spring.. wooohoooo!!! I can't believe she's almost out of Elementary School. My little baby girl. WOW.
I'm feeling good. Physically. Yeah.... looking forward to the weekend. A fun, sexy, playful weekend. I cannot wait!