Here we are again! A new beginning, to a new week! I feel well rested, and ready to take on the 'bats'. (lol)
What a nice weekend it was!!! I had a nice time with the family. I only wish that my hubby felt better. He was feeling down. I think every Holiday season, he feels sad. I guess a lot of it has to do with his childhood. Even if he doesn't realize it, I can see it in him. So, I always do my best to make it nice for him. :)
Mom and Dad came for Dinner last night. Fred made a wonderful Dinner! Me, well... I made a great treat! Strawberry Daiquiri's! YUM!!! I think that was only about the 2nd time in my life that I had an alcoholic drink in front of my parents. (LOL) Weird..... I am 39! It was nice though. :)
I got a beautiful Silver Charm Bracelet for Easter. :) Now I can start my own bracelet of memories. :) I'm very excited about that. I can't wait to search for charms now. Fun stuff!!!!!
Oops! Line of Students!!!!