Good Morning! Happy Friday!!!! And, what a beautiful day it is!
The holiday weekend is here!!! What are your plans?
Let me share mine, with you!
Tonight, I will be taxi Mom again, for the boys. Every month, a group of boys get together (Brandon and his friends) and they rely on ME to feed them, drop them at the movies, pick them up, and take them home! So, tonight is that night for us again! :) I guess I'll grab a few Pizza's this time. They'll be going to see Shrek the Third. I hope they have fun!
While they're at the movies, I'll be across the parking lot at the Mall. Brooke needs a few things before she goes to the beach! So, we'll be shopping tonight! Then, at about 11:00 p.m., Scott will pick Brooke up, and off to the beach she goes. Lisa, Scott, and the girls are like family. It's so nice!
Then, until Sunday morning, there's nothing set in stone. BUT, when Sunday arrives, we'll be packing up, and heading to grab Brooke at the beach (IT'S HER BIRTHDAY ON SUNDAY) - and then we're off to another Area of the Jersey Shore!!!!! And, Sunday night... GWEN STEFANI Concert!!! Brooke and I will get all dolled up, and head to the Borgata! Brandon and Fred will hang out, doing something else fun!
It looks like a nice weekend!! I hope it turns out well. On Monday, we'll head home so we can celebrate Brooke's Birthday some more, with Mom and Dad. Should be nice. And, our pool will be open!! Looks like summer is really here!
Happy Friday. I have my weigh-in today. I'm nervous all of the sudden. How silly of me. I'm sure I'll do great. This is the first time I'm doing this without knowing my actual weight. AND without getting on the scale at home. I'm doing the once a week weigh in, and that is it. It seems to be working better for me. This way I'm not focused on a number, or obsessing over the scale every day!!!! It's nice this way.
I hope this day is a beautiful one, for you..... and I wish everything happy and nice, for anyone who cares enough to read my posts.
Happy day!
Watch for my weigh-in results!!!!