Okay, this email was sent to me by a very special friend. She and I have been friends for many years. I finally sent her my blog address, so that she could see where I've been, and what's been happening in my life.....
This was her msg to me:
"Well I just read your blog, the entire thing, and was impressed and depressed. It made me realize how I have not been a very good friend. Every time we talk it is always about me so I had no idea that you and Fred were having a hard time. I'm am so sorry to hear it and hope all keeps getting better. You have always been an inspiration to me, your positive energy just flows from you. I wish I could borrow some of it. I really miss you alot!"
OK.... THAT my dear, is a true friend. I LOVE This woman! She has been with me for many years. Not in person, but in my mind, and in my heart. SHE has been through more than anyone I've ever known. And she's still standing!!!! I have to say...... She is one amazing human being. It was through some of her experiences, I believed in having faith..... and I do. :)
S: I adore you!!!!! Some fine day - you and I will meet up. We'll hug the tightest hug, and laugh the hardest, best laugh. We can't put off seeing each other much longer. It's getting ridiculous! lol. Isn't 9 years long enough??????? It was 1998 when I left Missouri. :P
There. That message was just for you! :) xoxoxoxooo
Thanks for being my friend.