So, today was a big day for Brooke. She didn't realize it.... but I did. Today she went to her first Opera. OK....So, I'm not really into Opera..... I don't care too much for it... BUT, I think it's very important, and valuable for her to experience the whole thing.
As a child, I was "dragged" to many Operas "In the Park", on Long Island. There was an outside theater that my Mom loved. So, I would tolerate the whole thing, and I'd bring my roller skates so I could skate around while she sat and watched the Opera. I secretly pretended that I was a part of the show. I would hear the music, and skate to it. I did enjoy it, in my own silly little way. And when I would return to the blanket, to sit with Mom, she would be sobbing. Of course I was much to young to understand...... but I would appreciate it, because she loved it so much.
And then, as I approached Middle School - Mom and I would take the LI Railroad into Manhattan. We'd get all dressed up, and go to the Opera.... It was beautiful, and I felt rich, and famous..... I would even tear up a little, here and there. We'd go to the Ballet, too.... and that was incredible. WOW.
So, little Brooke is at the Opera today. I wanted to share my stories with her this morning while I was driving her to school. Only problem was, I got started, and got all choked up. I see so much of myself in her. I want to share all my stories with her... but sometimes when I look at her, I can't. I feel all emotional and stuff - and don't want to cry.... So Instead, I told her a different story. One that would make her smile, and think of me at her age, being silly. It was fun.
I hope she has a great time today. I hope she will learn something from her experience..... and appreciate it -