I had a conversation recently with a girlfriend. It was about SEX. She's in a rut. No interest, no desire.... zippo. So, we chatted a bit about it. I gave her very little advise. Only a few ideas. I wasn't sure where to go with it.....
Now, I will touch on it. Since I know she visits my blog on a daily basis - I will share with her, and anyone else who might be interested.
I will first say this. I am not a professional (lol. AND, what I say here, is my own personal opinion. It's just that. So, read on, if you choose to.
To my dearest Friend........
Here's what I think you should do. K?
Accept yourself. Flaws and all.
Love yourself. Talk sweet to yourself. Practice this, over and over again. In private. While your alone. In the shower, for instance. (That is where I like to do this.) :) Pick out a few things about your body that you love, and acknowledge them. Compliment yourself. I know, seems fruity. BUT Try it.
Be sweet to yourself.
Condition your skin... shave it. ALL of it. Try something new.
Use lotion.
Use powder...
Put on some new make-up.
Do something for you, every morning. Even if you're busy with kids, etc......
Smile more
Dance to music, naked. Be proud of what you've got, and how far you've come in life.
And then...
Get to know your body in more of a personal manner. :)
find 5 minutes to relax, and enjoy yourself.
I know... it can be uncomfortable to do this, if you normally don't. BUT, I believe that if you can be completely in tune with yourself, and what makes you feel good, and what turns you on... YOU will want to share that - and let me tell you.... HE WILL BE TURNED ON!!! Sharing is so important. AND, you will both benefit from it.
Imagine this.... HE comes home from work. YOU whisper in his ear how you've spent time pleasuring yourself, thinking about him. Well, don't you think that would get him going?? And of course, he'd be very responsive... in a sexy way. Try it!!! YOU have to start somewhere....
It's great. Sexy... fun. Anything new & exciting for you two would open doors to so much. You know how much he loves you. YOU know how much he WANTS you. Let him in. But first, you have to let that sexy girl out..... and accept her. Accept that it's OK to be sexy and fun.
Make sense?????
Send me a msg... when you read this. So I know you've been here.