Happy Thursday ~
So....... Last night. We went to Burger King for Dinner. Why BK????? Well, they have a VERY delicious Grilled Chicken Salad. :) And I am still very focused on my program. SO, BK works well for me, and the rest of the family. ANYWAY.... when we arrived, the entire place was filled up with a group of kids that were on some type of school trip. It was fascinating. The kids were from a School for the Deaf. Well, my children were trying not to stare, but they were really interested in the interactions these kids had with each other. The way they communicate. It was awesome. What a nice experience. We talked about how well they communicate with one another, and how important their eyes and hands are, for them. It was really nice to see them all together. It must make life so much easier when they are in their group. When they're out there in the hearing part of the world, It must be quite a challenge at times. Bottom line...... I was very impressed with them all. It was really nice.
And, it makes me feel blessed. Even a touch more, than before I walked into BK.......
We went to Mom and Dad's house, afterwards. We had a nice visit. It's been a long time since we've been there. And they only live about 4 miles away. One more thing to put on my "to do" list in life.... Spend more time with family.
Hmmmmm... what else... I Did check in with Donna and Michelle. They're doing well. Or, as well as can be expected. Again, one more reason to feel grateful for my life........
Oh well. I am feeling a bit under the weather today. I hope I feel better tonight. There's a big Birthday Celebration at "Cheeseburger in Paradise" for our friend Alison. I'm not so much in the mood.... plus, I don't feel so Skippy.
I'll be back. I have a lot in my head. Perhaps I'll feel motivated to post a whole bunch today.... If I have the time! :)