Happy Sunday.
Where do I begin? I am so happy that I am keeping track of things happening in my life. Let me give you a few examples why.......
Friday night. Julie pulls up in front of my home. I walk outside to greet her (And her little one). Before she even gets out of the car, I feel so emotional....... and want to burst out in tears. Where does the time go? I look at her, and I picture 2 18/19 year old girls. Laughing, talking about life..... sharing secrets, dreams... fantasies, of how our life might be, when we "grow up"...... And here we are, 21 years later. Where did it all go?
So, she hops out, and we hug hug hug & hug some more. It's been a year since we last saw each other. It felt like yesterday........
It was nice. The kids swam, and we visited. Talked, laughed, etc.... We shared some memories of how things used to be. Remember this, remember that..... very cool.
Her life is a constant struggle these days. Single Mom, no Dad involved for Jory. No support from any family, friends.... nothing. For Julie, it's no picnic..... but she smiles, and makes the best of it. So, the two of us coming together again, was so refreshing - for us both. And what a nice visit we had.
We had kids galore.... :) It's all good. I love these children. If I could only capture every wonderful moment for them, and sprinkle it over their heads, when they were feeling down. I'd do it in a heartbeat. Life is so awesome for them right now. I wish it would never change.
We did see Alan. He's our mentally handicap friend. I hold a very special place in my heart for the mentally challenged. I'm not sure what it is.... but I've always felt this way. Anyhow.... Alan is fascinated by Fred and I. He loves to tell us about his life. Alan is 45. He has the mental capacity of about an 8 year old. He's about 6' 4" tall. Big boy..... And if you don't know him, his looks might startle you. But, he's harmless. So, he told us about these teenagers who tried to scare him. I was getting so mad. They apparently chased him, and he was so afraid they would hurt him. What the heck is wrong with people? I get very frustrated about stuff like that. So, I told him that he can't be out riding his bike at night, by himself. And he agreed it wasn't a good idea. He has some friends that are like him. They look out for each other. I told him to stick with them. From now on, he will. I felt really sad about that. Although, he's okay. And he felt much better after sharing his story with us. Alan always makes me smile. So does his friend Scott. It's interesting to see what life is like for them. It's not like anything we know......they live in their own little world.
Wow! I'm a rambler this morning. It's just that it's so quiet right now. The kids are asleep, and hubby went for an early morning ride. And I am overflowing with stuff to blog. If I don't get it out, it's all in my head. :) Later, I'll share another story about my weekend. It's yet another reason for me to appreciate my life..... and I have pictures to post!!!!!
Adios for now!