Good Morning! And, Happy Tuesday!
Last night was a LATE night!!! We didn't get home from the Hospital until after Midnight. It was a long night at Saint Mary's!
We left with the X-rays of a Fractured ankle, and a child in a temporary cast with crutches. Much like the scene just 2 years ago!!! Same child,same ankle..... :P
This morning we went to the BONE doctor. He was very funny! :) He had us both laughing a lot. However, he did not agree with the X-rays. He informed us that it's a bad sprain, which is sometimes more painful than a break. BUT, thankfully, no need for a full, permanent cast! Yippie!!!! Just a lot of TLC, and rest. I'm glad it's not broken.
Like the pictures? lol! You know, I don't plan on taking pictures each and every place I go. What happens is this. I keep my camera in my purse at all times. When I'm somewhere, I think about the fact that I will never re-live the moment again. So, I grab the camera and take some quick pictures. LOL@ Us with the camera out in the ER. The staff must have thought we were a little nutty. Well, I guess we are. I know I AM. :) But, I won't let another moment pass me by, without trying to capture it - it means something. And it reminds me where I've been. And how precious every moment can be. (CORNY!!!) but, true....... try it, you might like it!