Happy Tuesday!!!!!!!
lol @ Myself in that picture. :)
Had to share it. Hope it makes you smile, too! Life just isn't any fun if you can't laugh at yourself....
So, last night I was so worn out. Funny thing was, I couldn't go to sleep until almost Midnight. I think my body is just used to being on vacation. I kept telling myself that I need to get some sleep, but I just couldn't do it. lol!!!!
This morning my smooth Jazz station woke me up, over and over again. Snooze button.... Smooth Jazz.... Snooze button..... Smooth Jazz.... lol. I finally sat up and had my coffee 45 minutes after the alarm had started going off. I only had 15 minutes to relax, watch the news, drink my coffee, and visit with my hubby, before hopping in the shower. I allow A LOT of time in the morning before getting up... why? Well, it's more relaxing and better for the body. There's nothing worse than waiting til the last minute, and having to jump right out of bed. I love my quiet time in the morning. I really do. :)
Ut-oh. I have to run. I have a meeting at 10:00. Be back later. I'm feeling much more alive today. lol! It only took me 4 days!!! :P