How pathetic am I? I woke up early, and got to work early today - just because I was excited about getting back on schedule! AND, tomorrow is 1/2 day Friday! I'm such a silly fool.
But, what I can't stop thinking about now is - MY VACATION! I cannot wait!!!!! And I can't wait to see the looks on the kids faces when they board that Cruise Ship!!! I am so thrilled. I think I'm starting to lose sleep over it!! :)
One thing I wish for. I wish and pray that I don't have that anxiety again. I was so nervous and claustrophobic in the hallway the first time I walked to our cabin. It was scary. I couldn't breathe. Luckily, I got over it. lol. Hubby thought we were going to have to get off the ship. He would have, too. I am grateful for that. He was so good about helping me deal with it. He was patient. I needed that.
So, for this vacation - I hope that I don't go thorough anything like that, again!!! Deep breath!
I have check lists, and am ready to start packing. lol. I am such a nerd!!! And, once that ship takes off, I plan on enjoying the heck out of myself. Laying in the sun, swimming in the pool, reading, dancing at the pool parties. Doing the limbo. All of it!!!! I CAN'T WAIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ok. I got that off my chest. :)
16 days..... and I'll be outta here.