Good Morning, and Happy Monday!
Well, I am here, at work. And I'm worn out!!!!!! I have to say one thing. (me, say one thing?) lol I worked my booty off yesterday! Well, okay. My booty is still there.... but I did work hard! :) All day, and lots of the evening. I cleaned, did laundry, listed on ebay. Dusted, mopped.... busy girl. Indeed. But, at the end of the night - I felt so good. I needed to do that. Oh, I even found time to do some shopping! I have a list of things I need to be sure to bring on our trip. So, I did get out of the house for a little bit. And, as always.... no trip is just a trip to the store. We found ourselves surrounded by a SWAT team of police. Seriously. Well, we weren't stuck in it, but we drove right past it. We could have touched them. It was scary. And on the way back, the road was blocked, with about 25 police cars, and a SWAT mobile. All these police men in black suits were surrounding a house. It was amazing to me. I'd never seen something like that in person (only in movies) Anyway, we weren't going to stick around with all those weapons nearby. Plus, it was obvious that someone was in crisis. And, that is sad enough. People deserve their privacy.
So, bottom line. There was a couple in their 30's having a domestic dispute. The wife got out safely. The husband was armed. He wouldn't come out. He ended killing himself in his bathroom :( . I read it in our local paper this morning. It was sad. I felt terrible because it reminded me that in a split second, it could happen to anyone. Things could be fine one minute, and the next - a life is lost. I thank god it wasn't someone in my family. But, I feel sad for the people involved.... *sigh
Ok. Time to get back to work.........
Here's the article.
Nine-hour standoff in Fairless Hills
Bucks County Courier Times
A nine-hour standoff ended around 10 p.m. Sunday night when police found a Fairless Hills man dead in his home of an apparent self-inflicted gunshot wound, police said. The man was found in a bathroom of the home on the 200 block of Devon Road in Falls. The neighborhood was thrown into disarray most of Sunday as police evacuated neighboring homes and closed off Trenton and Oxford Valley roads as the result of the standoff. Police said that around 1 p.m. they responded to a domestic disturbance between a husband and wife. When police arrived, they said they heard a sound like a gunshot. The wife, whose name was not released, left the house and was taken to her family, police said. Neighbors on Devon Road were evacuated when police surrounded the residence. Police said they made numerous attempts to reach Caine through phone, bullhorn and e-mail. Neighbors said the couple is in their 30s and have lived in the house for about five years. During the standoff, police used a remote-controlled camera and robot to observe inside the house. Several townships’ police departments responded to assist including Bensalem, Bristol Township, Lower and Upper Southampton, Northampton, Middletown, Newtown Township and Borough, Warrington, and Lower Makefield. Two armored personnel vehicles, police snipers and SWAT teams were also on the scene.
July 8, 2007 11:48 PM