Rise and Shine ......
It's a beautiful Sunday morning. What a gift. :)
6:45 A.M : I think the Post Secret guy slept in! I propped myself up in bed to read the secrets of the week, and they hadn't been posted yet. So, I decided to blog instead! I'm all alone this morning. Hubby got up and left for his early morning ride. The kids are away. It's just me. For now........
Post Secret. Is my life so dull that I feel like I have to pop up first thing in the morning to read the new messages? No way. I read them because a lot of the time they make me feel normal. Sometimes I can relate to some of them so well. Other times, when I can't relate - I try to understand where people are coming from. I don't always get it, but I do learn something new every week from the secrets that are posted.........
We all feel the way we feel. Good, bad, happy sad. Right or wrong. Sometimes, things happen in our lives that stick with us forever. Maybe Postsecret really helps people that are trying to let go of pain, guilt, unwanted feelings....... I hope it helps them live a more peaceful life.
You can't change the way someone feels inside. That is really the bottom line.
Wow, this is way too deep for a Sunday morning blog.
Beautiful wishes - beautiful day.