Today was a very emotional day.
I was moving right along with my daily routine when I received a phone call from my Mom. She was so down. So sad. She had some upsetting news that she needed to share with me. I was surprised she had called, because we were going there for Dinner.... but I guess she didn't want to spoil my Dad's Birthday celebration, so she called me ahead of time.
Seems my Grandfather was diagnosed with Dementia/Alzheimer's. Very sad. Long story..... and I'm not very close to him, although he's been my "Grandfather" since I was born..... He's different. And I was never able to form a close relationship with him. It was my Grandmother I cried and felt sad for the most. He's been her companion and love, for so long. I worry about her. And I worry about how it will be for her.
But, because her faith is much stronger than most people in the family even know, she says that god wouldn't give her more than she can handle. And what will be, will be. And it will be okay. This woman deserves a medal. I honestly mean that. She is so precious. I have no idea where she draws her inner strength from. I can't even talk about. I had a hard time today. Very emotional.
I worry a lot. I do.
Well...... that's my news for the night.
We went to Mom and Dad's for Dinner. Physically, I wasn't feeling to skippy. Emotionally.... well, I'm okay. I just have a lot on my mind. And you know what? That's ok. And, I'm alright. :)